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Test reports have made particular mention of the high-end interior of the Lancia Delta. As one of the world's leading suppliers of automotive interior systems, electronics and batteries, Johnson Controls is providing door panels that are harmoniously integrated into the interior design. Furthermore, innovative, ambient lighting on the floor console creates a welcoming environment and adds a luxurious touch.

"After many years of cooperating with Fiat Group Automobiles, we are delighted to now be able to contribute our products to the Lancia Delta, too," said Marzio Raveggi, Vice President and General Manager of the Customer Business Unit FGA (Fiat Group Automobiles) at Johnson Controls. A high-end interior and classic design differentiate the Lancia from its sister models.( Bennis, 2008)


The new Lancia Delta, launched in the medium segment, continues this tradition. In preparing for series production of the Lancia Delta, Johnson Controls' development expertise was called for. Besides supplying the door panels, the interior experts also created ambient lighting on the floor console based on innovative light guide technology.

Series production in just four months

The lighting, which visually highlights the entire area surrounding the gearshift lever, is based on a tubular light guide made of transparent polyurethane. This reflects the true color of the LED light sources and enables custom illumination and a predefined type of light throughout. Other advantages of the flexible light guide include high chemical and scratch resistance as well as unproblematic crash behavior. Furthermore, its special contour ensures easy and reliable mechanical installation. By working simultaneously on integration and visual design, Johnson Controls was able to complete development in four months.( Bennis, 2008)

One-step production of the door panels

Sophisticated and coordinated processes at Johnson Controls also enabled comparatively short development times for the Lancia Delta door panels. The door panels are manufactured by Johnson Controls in its Italian plant, where injection molding and assembly are set up on a "just in time" basis, and supplied to Lancia's Cassino plant. The product consists of three main components - the carrier, an injection-molded section and a PVC film or microfiber fabric. The carrier made of polypropylene (PP) contains functional parts such as fixtures and leads to efficient assembly processes. The injection-molded section underneath the armrest is also made of PP and can be installed without tooling - for example without additional surface treatments. When producing the section above the map pocket, ...
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