Stock Market

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Stock Market

Stock Market

Companies such as AOL Time-Warner have been listed in both of these indexes as well as many other technology firms. The world's largest stock market? NASDAQ® is not limited to one central trading location. To a certain extent trading is executed through NASDAQ's complicated computer and telecommunications network? which broadcasts real-time trade data to more than 83 countries and 1.3 million users. “Without size limitations? NASDAQ's open architecture market structure allows a virtually unlimited number of participants to trade in a company's stock” (MarketSite Key Facts? 2007). Key to NASDAQ's market structure is a core group of financial firms called market makers. More than 500 market making firm's trade on NASDAQ? acting as distributors for NASDAQ listed securities.

NYSE was established in 1860? to provide independent insight? analysis and information to the financial community to help them determine value in the marketplace. Approximately 140 years later? now? NYSE is a most excellent global contributor of independent financial analysis and information and is still delivering on that original mission. The NYSE is a list of the top 500 companies in the stock market and NASDAQ is an index consisting mainly of technology firms. We have found that due to the recent demand for technology? NASDAQ has played a significant role in the economy blending in with many of the Fortune 500 companies found in the S & P 500. Additionally? known as dealers? market makers are exceptional in that they hand over their own capital to NASDAQ listed securities then turn around and reallocate the stock as needed.

They are required at all times to post their bid and ask prices in the NASDAQ network where they can be viewed and accessed by all participants. By risking buying or selling stocks using their own funds? market makers add liquidity to NASDAQ's market; guarantee that there are always buyers and sellers for NASDAQ listed securities? and allow trades to be filled fast and efficiently.

Nowadays? NASDAQ lists the securities of nearly 4?100 of the world's leading companies and each year? continues to help hundreds of companies productively make the transition to public ownership. Buying and selling on NASDAQ is not limited to any fixed number of members. This allows a large number of companies with extensively different industry models and operating technologies to connect to the NASDAQ's network and try to win on an equal basis? instead of forcing investors to go ...
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