Steve Jobs

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Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs


Steve Jobs was one of the most influential entrepreneurs in the history of technology. With the changing world, Steve Jobs was a man who moved with the pace of the changing environment. He was the one who has made Apple Incorporation what it is today. He is the pioneer in the field of technology, and it is due to him that technology has changed so much. He was the one who revolutionized the personal computers and made sure that the features of the personal computers are in favour of the people who are using it.

The entrepreneurship of Steve Jobs is the main reason behind the success of Apple. People who worked at Apple said that Steve Jobs was one of the greatest entrepreneurs they had ever witnessed. Steve Jobs was a drop out, and still is one of the greatest entrepreneurs in the history of the world. People who are associated with the company or with Steve Jobs know that he is a skilled person. Jobs' entrepreneurship style was one of the most prominent which helped him to achieve success.

Early Career

Jobs started his professional career in 1974 as a technician in Atari, Inc. in California. There, he was handed over the responsibility of creating a circuit board for the game, Breakout. He was offered $100 for eliminating each chip in the machine. Jobs did not know much about reducing chips; however, his friend Wozniak did (Bygrave & Zacharakis, 2010, pp. 56). He got into an agreement with Wozniak and said that if he reduced the chips, Jobs would give him half of the money that he would earn out of this activity. To his surprise, Wozniak reduced the chips by 50 and made the design as such that it eliminated the threat of the design being copied on an assembly line. This made Jobs realize that he and Wozniak are enthusiastic partners.

Apple was found by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in 1976, in the garage of Jobs' parents' garage. The company was then founded with the intention of selling it. Initially, the company went through a lot of troubles and hard times. When the company was founded, Jobs lured the President of John Sculley to join Apple. Soon after, Jobs and Sculley started having disagreements over various formal matters. A meeting was called with the shareholders, where all the shareholders took the side of Sculley, and eventually Jobs resigned five months later.

NeXT, Inc

Jobs founded NeXT, Incorporation in 1985 with $7 million. Jobs was doing a great job at NeXT, and when he was short of funds and appealed for money, he got help from billionaire Ross Perot. NeXT workstations were known for their technical strengths, and the greatest strength was the object-oriented software. This helped the company to build better computers at a time when it was not widely used nor was widely known. The marketing of NeXT products was done in an extraordinary manner. Jobs marketed the products in a way that attracted the consumers in ...
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