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This paper intends to explore the concept of stereotyping. Particularly, the main focus of the paper is on the gender stereotyping theme. This theme has been chosen from various stereotyping themes given in the book 'Bossypants', written by the author Tina Fey. This is an autobiography of the author that being a woman what obstacles she faced in her life and how did she tackle with them. Gender biasness is evidenced from past many hundred years and still prevails in our society in some form or the other, nearly in every field. To have a deep rooted understanding about gender stereotyping, some of the direct quotes are used from the book Bossypants.


Stereotyping is refers to make supposition or assumption about someone or a community based on their heritage, looks, or even color of their skin. Stereo types usually are also based on IQ levels, gender and age. Stereotyping is a thought process that organizes beliefs about one group of people and assigns them to everyone in that group. However, here the main focus is on gender stereo typing.

Gender Stereotyping

The study by psychologists found that since ancient times, all countries in the world had the prevalence of sex-role stereotype, that men are strong, confident, competent, sensible, motivation to achieve, higher quality, while on the other hand women are sensitive, delicate, and with feelings of passive, submissive, such as quality. This gender stereotypes can be traced back thousands of years ago.

Sex generality are simple generality about the gender features, variations, and tasks of individuals and/or categories. Stereotypes can be good or bad, but they hardly ever connect precise information about others. When individuals instantly apply gender presumptions to others regardless of proof to the in contrast, they are perpetuating gender stereotyping. Many individuals identify the risks of gender stereotyping; yet keep these types of generality.

Gender stereotype comprises of a belief that the men must be masculine and women must be gentle and shall accordingly make the career choices. Men tend to choose masculine-flavored work, such as engineers, physicians; while women tend to choose feminine work, such as teachers, nurses, and so on. In the department's choice, the boys will choose science and engineering while women will choose a liberal arts or business. Even in the career development or competition, the women will have a so-called "fear of success" tendencies, fear of their achievements higher than men, loss of femininity, prefer placing him his deputy.

Typically, the women stereotypic part is to get married to and have kids. She is also to put her household's well being before her own; be adoring, thoughtful, looking after, looking after, and sympathetic; and find time to be attractive and experience wonderful. The men stereotypic part is to be the economical company. He is also believed to be violent, aggressive, separate, insensitive, and career-focused; keep his feelings in check; and always take the first step in having sex. These types of generalizations can confirm harmful; they can stop personal concept and creativeness, as well as restrict ...
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