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Stereotyping is becoming one of the major concerns for societies and individual living in those societies. It is first important to carry out the actual meaning of stereotyping to understand its attributes and its effects on individuals and societies as a whole. Stereotyping is a method of casting a generalization in terms of categorizing groups and later making it a norm and treating them accordingly in the long run. The attributes of stereotyping are mainly related to categorizing groups on characteristics based on race, sex, genders, religion, age, profiling of groups, and many other types. Stereotyping in today's world has become a norm in many societies, as both superior and inferior societies and groups in specific consciously or unconsciously generate rigid expectations or beliefs against each other. The concept behind such thinking of stereotyping and creating these rigid expectations and beliefs is because it makes one group feel better over the other group because of their attributes and beliefs over other. Moreover, the impact of these thinking and creating a permanent stereotyping attitude carries its effect in the long run generating hatred for each other and originating conflicting behaviors (Lee,, 1995).


The history of stereotyping activities started very early in ethnic groups but later formed a linkage to discrimination and prejudice, structuring negativity in the human minds by large. In addition to being prejudice and discriminatory, the process of stereotyping is organized as a social interpretive stimuli or information, which has become a part of cultures and is presented in daily life (Inzlicht, 2012).

Stereotyping is becoming a general phenomenon and the categories in this regard are vague. More or less in various societies where there are high trends of stereotyping almost every individual experiences stereotyping in his/her surroundings, whether experiencing on personal level or experiencing in terms of visualizing the ...
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