The debate over stem cell research has indeed been a long and seemingly endless one. There is much controversy surrounding stem cell research. Advocates of the technology identify it as a breakthrough in scientific achievement - one that could very well turn out to be the most important scientific invention of the 21st century. However, those opposed to the technology also constitute a sizable portion of the world's population. Arguments against stem cell research mainly target the immorality and unethicality of the processes involved in the research. There is no denying the fact, however, that, if perfected, stem cell research can provide a plethora of benefits to humans as well as cures to many diseases.
No other area of science has caused such intense public interest and stirred widespread scientific debates as stem cell research (Critchley, 2008). Through the development of human stem cell lines, the media have made numerous statements about the "breakthrough" in treatment, including the possibility of healing a wide range of illnesses - from heart disease and diabetes to crippling neurodegenerative disorders. Stem cells have unique properties. They are characterized by the ability to self-renew through unlimited division with the formation of genetically identical daughter cells (Critchley, 2008). They are also able to differentiate into almost any cell types of the body.
It is these characteristics of stem cells that have attracted the attention of scientists around the world. Stem cells are the ideal target for studies aimed at understanding the ontogeny and developmental disorders of the body (Critchley, 2008). Their ability to differentiate into normal conditions in any type of cells offers hope for the development of cell therapy techniques that can be applied in clinical practice in a variety of diseases.
The applications of stem cell therapy are tremendous and the technology, although only in its infant stage currently, promises to open up new avenues in the area of biology and the treatment of diseases. However, to the masses, the concept is too complicated or unconventional to process and digest. What complicates this already complex dilemma is that the stem cells are divided into several different categories (Little et al., 2006). One of these categories is multipotent stem cells that carry the traits and characteristics which separate them from pluripotent stem cells.
A pluripotent stem cell gives birth to a range of different types of cells even though their differentiating abilities are greatly limited. These types of cell are as limited in number. Multipotent stem cells extracted from adults are considered for their potential for specialization, which is largely restricted to a single or multiple cell lines. A pluripotent stem cell gives birth to numerous types of cells. This type of stem cell gives rise to muscle, bone, fat, cartilage, and several other types of tissues (Marzotto & Alt, 2012).
There are several advantages and usages of a multipotent stem cell. Since it is acquirwed from a pluripotent stem cell, it has already been differentiated partially and specialized during their ...