This essay focuses on the divergent views held by the world's major religions on Stem Cell Research. There is disagreements exist among various religious, traditions, and within each tradition itself. The answers to these questions should provide a framework for a more productive dialogue between religious and scientific communities. Such a dialogue is needed to resolve the controversy that is hindering thy advancement of this branch of science. Our analysis focuses on the main world religions and not, for the most part, on their numerous denominations. For each religion, scripture, ethical, and legal traditions are referenced to allude to the beginning of human life and the moment of "ensoulment". Where present, the official consensus statement on Stem Cell Research for that religion is noted. This paper analyzes a modern issue in Christianity which is Stem Cell Research. The paper contains an explanation of the issue, a history, and significant differences between Catholic and protestant views on the issue.
Thesis Statement
The Christianity (Catholic and Protestant) strongly opposes the Stem Cell Research and consider it to be a base issue.
Human embryonic stem cells derive from the inner cell mass within an early-stage embryo called a blastocyst. It forms five to six days after conception and approximates a hollow ball of roughly one hundred cells. As development continues, cells of the inner cell mass grow and differentiate, ultimately assuming the specialized characteristics of the vital organ systems. Many scientists believe that these pluripotential embryonic stein cells have the potential to improve the knowledge and treatment of life-threatening. Diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, cancer, and heart diseases.
However, the use of these cells for medical research presents an ethical double-edged sword in that the probable value to human life is countered by philosophical questions about the destruction of human life. Any proposed solution to this controversy is sure to conflict with the strongly held moral and religious convictions of one group or another. What has been missing in this dialogue is a dispassionate exposition covering the range of religious views on this crucial topic; this fills that void. (Brent, 2003, 67)
The fundamental issue of the beginning of human life appears to have created an unwarranted tension between science and religion when it comes to embryonic stem cell research. Is this one-hundred-cell blastocyst an imperfect person? Does it have a soul? Our belief systems, regardless of our educational background, influence our views with regard to embryonic stem cell research. As we consider this critical issue, it is important to note that the controversy is not over stem cell research per se hut over the creation and destruction of human embryos. Even staunch opponents of human embryonic stein cell research indicate approval of other avenues of stern cell research, particularly investigations of adult stern cells. Further, many modern societies have already accepted the Creation and destruction of embryos is in vitro fertilization (IVF) clinics. (Janet, 2006, 74)