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Research Papers on Statistical Analysis

Statistical analysis comprises of mathematical processes that are used to summarize data. Many people prepare a research paper on this subject which is no doubt a challenging task for them. Therefore, Researchomatic is providing you ease to take help from hundreds of statistical analysis research papers. These papers will be helpful for individuals to prepare their own statistical analysis research papers.

Implement Time Series Models In Excel-Vba
Implement Time Series Models in EXCEL-VBA Implement Time Series Models in EXCEL-VBA Introduction In the past, even mildly complicated engineering calculations have not mixed well with spreadsheets because of the very strong tendency to wind up with nearly-impossible-to-debug "spaghetti code". While most students seem to enjoy using spreadsheets, instructors recognize ...
Romance: Men And Women
Romance: Men and Women Romance: Men and Women Data Collection The survey includes 70 participants both male and female and a questionnaire contains 10 questions about the response of loving and caring their partners. The sample size of both men and women was equal so that the statistical results could be more accurate. ...
Regression Analysis
Regression Analysis Regression Analysis TEST 1: Regression Analysis Benefits and Intrinsic In this section of analysis the statistical analysis focuses on enlightening the influence of gender upon intrinsic job satisfaction. In this context, gender is an independent variable and intrinsic job satisfaction is dependent variable. There is a set of hypothesis constructed to ...
Article Analysis Paper
ARTICLE ANALYSIS PAPER Article Analysis Paper Article Analysis Paper Article: Chlan, Linda and Savik, Kay. (2011). Patterns of Anxiety in Critically Ill Patients Receiving Mechanical Ventilatory Support, Nursing Research May/June 2011, Vol 60, No 3S, S50-S57 Identify the major design group and specific design used by the study. For example, “quasi-experimental: One group pretest-post ...
Hypothesis Testing & Variance
HYPOTHESIS TESTING & VARIANCE Unit 4 - Hypothesis Testing & Variance Unit 4 - Hypothesis Testing & Variance Introduction This paper is based on the application of two-tailed hypothesis test on the variables that are gender and position based on intrinsic and extrinsic satisfaction using the 0.05 level of significance which will guide ...
Business Research Analysis
BUSINESS RESEARCH ANALYSIS Business Research Analysis: New Royal Theatre Business Research Analysis: New Royal Theatre Part A Constructing the Questionnaire This questionnaire is constructed to extract valuable data from the customers of New Royal Theatre. The core purpose of constructing this questionnaire is to gather valuable information from the customer of New Royal Theatre that ...
Vulnerable Populations And Diseases In Cumberland (North Carolina
Vulnerable populations and Diseases in Cumberland (North Carolina Vulnerable populations and Diseases in Cumberland (North Carolina) Mission Statement To manage and provide with a sound public health facilities in the whole vulnerable community of the Cumberland and delivering optimal services of health and care. The aim is to maintain a sound ...
Introducing Online Travel Agencies In Saudi Arab
Introducing Online Travel Agencies in Saudi Arab Abstract Tourism is one of the meager resources of Saudi Arabia's economy to develop. By far, there have been done much less work in enhancing the tourism investments and opportunities. Relying on this resource, Saudi Arabia gains inclination in the economy, however, a decline in ...
Employee Morale
EMPLOYEE MORALE Employee Morale Employee Morale Introduction Globalization has opened newer markets for businesses across the globe, especially for big corporations in the West. The major corporation can now enter new markets and at the same time they can outsource their manufacturing units for profit maximization. At the same time, organizations from the east ...
Tea Selection Criteria
TEA SELECTION CRITERIA Tea Selection Criteria Table of Contents Introduction3 Research Questions3 Hypothesis3 Literature Review4 Research Design and Methodology9 Data Sources and Research Limitations9 Research Instruments9 Data Types9 Reliability & Validity10 Results and Analysis11 Hypothesis Assessment Summary18 Conclusion19 Tea Selection Criteria Introduction The study is related to the tea selection criterion which is an important phenomenon to study as it guides the organizations which are involved ...
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