Statement Of Purpose

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Statement of Purpose

Statement of Purpose

When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life in a manner, so that when you die the world cries and you rejoice.”

-Native American Proverb.

Educating society for life is a complex, arduous and difficult work and a fundamental duty to man. The increasingly complex society needs young people mostly prepared, conscious, with well-defined ideals and values, being able to meet the challenges of present and future with a secure identity and own an ethical culture. It is said that, a civilization is based on the transmission of knowledge from person to person and from one generation to another. Without the preservation of knowledge each person and each generation would have to start from scratch.

From my childhood, I taught to be self dependant and strong. I was born to modern, hard working family. I was taught that in order to achieve your goal one has to create his own ways and to fulfill my desires; I use to work through all the possible legal outcomes. A person should set goals and ways which lead him towards successful results. People fail because they do not know what they want or what they do not want.

The term Higher Education means the preparation of highly qualified specialists for the branches of economy, science, technology and culture, etc, which have systematized knowledge and practical skills. This helps to solve theoretical and practical problems in the profile of training, using and developing the creative achievements of modern science, technology and culture. The purpose of higher education is to provide training of qualified, competitive training, meeting modern requirements to the quality of specialists with higher education, for self-study in the chosen direction (degree) field of knowledge that can provide scientific and technical, economic, social and cultural development of the republic and of high spiritual, cultural and moral qualities.

The higher education system consists of:

Higher educational institutions, implementing educational and vocational programs in accordance with state educational standards, regardless of ownership and departmental affiliation;

Scientific and educational institutions, carrying out research work required for the development of higher education;

Government formation, as well as their subordinate enterprises, institutions and organizations.

My personal life and professional career has undergone drastic transformations during the last couple of years. I have been given by my interest in my passion to overcome my weakness and fulfill my desires. This arena of focus has provided me the perfect career enhancement. My profound interest in the subject started while I was in high school. I have been susceptible to all the economic trends. This inclined me to start layering on my knowledge and acquaintance of engineering into my work.

Currently, I am Assistant Director, Facilities and Conference Services and Assistant Director in Residential Life and Housing. I have vast experience for professional work as I have worked part time with many small and big organizations. Further to this, I am self depended. I also lead the administrative direction for the day-to-day management. My skills and abilities always make me realize ...
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