State Security

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State Security

State Security


Freedom is the most important thing for anything and everything, which lives on the face of world. This is because freedom gives the human being a sense of security and dignity to live in the world. The person can spend his or her life in his or her way (Brzezinski, 1983 Pp 36). They are better able to plan their future and live in the present world. Freedom is one thing which if a nation lacks then they are bound and doomed to fail, if not in the short run but in the end for sure. It will make their man and women ultimately surrender to the occupying forces both in terms of mental or physical. This freedom is not only in term of physical that is defense on the war grounds but freedom from the influence of that other point of view (Cothran, 2004 Pp 89). They should try to remain free from other forces by protecting them themselves from the influence of other through media or through other sources of influence.

Thus, the primary purpose of one state should be on promoting the national security of the country. They should try to make this thing as the main and the foremost priority in the constitution of the country. We have thousands of battle in our history (DeRouen, 2005 Pp 23). We have never kept our head onto the others nation's hands all because of superiority and priority for national interest in term of security. Our defense has always been so strong that most of the times we have fought battle far from our home and destroyed them on all grounds and footing. Thus national security should be our priority above all other things after that we can include education, health and Justice etc.


Important aspect of different Departments

As we, all know that each and every department of the state has got its own importance in term of national importance (Haugen, 2007 Pp 18). Therefore, each and every department has got it value in terms of different categories. Like Education has one of the foremost importance for the success of any country. Same is the case with other institution of the country, they all have different value in terms of their growth for the country. We are going to analyze importance of different departments and intuition of the country like education, judiciary, media and military. First, we are going to have a look into the importance of education for the country.

Education a Success factor for the country

Education plays a great role in the success of the country. Like there is a saying, that pen is mightier than swords. Thus, it is very important that the education intuitions of the country are to be in good form. They should be in a way that they should promote research in the every field. New ideas generation should be promoted from different students of the country (Smith and Messina, 2004 pp 135). Students should be granted education free of cost ...
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