State Crime

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State Crime

State Crime


A state crime is a crime committed by one or more elected or appointed representatives of a sovereign state. These crimes are either committed against the existing political system in the country in the form of a plot to seize power, incitement to violent overthrow of the constitutional order, etc.), as well as against the external security of the state such as: treason, and espionage. Historically, these crimes were considered the most dangerous. These crimes are one of the most serious crimes terrifying for state security and social safety and public order and national unity, because they disturb the relations between the elements of one nation and its people, and lead to hostility overheating and human massacres and killing of innocent people and the destruction of public and private enterprises. This is what we are witnessing now in the difficult circumstances experienced by United States of America, along with many other countries of the world. We have dealt in previous articles some of these crimes, so we will address here some offences against the internal security of the state (Maguire, 2012, pp.12-56).


State crimes involves the use of unlawful methods by a government aimed at inducing fear and terror among the civilian population to achieve their goals or encourage conduct that would not occur by them-selves. These actions are justified by reasons of state. It has been considered that the state crimes acquire one or more of the following ways:

Using coercion or unlawful persecution, the kidnapping, forced disappearances, the torture, the murder or extrajudicial execution.

Creating, usually in secret organizations terrorist underground conventional and simulated, support them or wilful neglect in pursuit. These organizations are presented as extremist opposition forces, giving justification to its proponents face of public opinion

Instruction or induction own troops to act in such a way as to cause terror among the civilian population of the enemy, or refusal to introduce measures which limit or prosecute such actions. The SOA (School of the U.S. Army) has been criticized because in that institution were trained numerous American military, after which they include members or organizers of death squads

Conducting military operations open to the same goal, which is often called designed to break the morale of the enemy, usually by using strategic weapons or other weapons whose characteristics produce a serious state of insecurity and fear in the civilian population. Currently, these operations are often masked by arguing that it is collateral damage , of attacks against legitimate military targets, the significance of which, however, turns out to be insignificant compared to the damage or fear suffered by the population

Creating a policy of emigration to prevent its own population to leave the country, on pain of imprisonment or death or exile promoting disaffected people and government critics

State crime commonly called attacks on the very existence of the state, and the attack on the integrity of the internal state is called a riot, and the independence and security of it from other ...
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