Standards Of Practice

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Standards of Practice

Standards of Practice


The main aim of nurses is to give skilled, safe and moral care to the people. They are dedicated in implementing on the standards of practice by making use of the achievement, application and evaluation of the knowledge and skills. They are always responsible for their practice and standards are fundamentals for enhancing the safe and ethical care.

It enables the communication between the ideas of people, environment, health and nursing. The nursing practice takes place where a relationship is developed between the nurses and the patients with a purpose of fulfilling the needs of patients (CARNA 2005).


The standards of nursing are those statements which explain the responsibilities of the profession and those responsibilities are obligatory for every nurse. They are the reflection of the principles and main concerns of the profession and give a particular direction to it. The standards are also accountable in framing the evolution to the nursing practice (ANA 2011). There are many standards which are followed by all the nurses. Some major are as follows

Promotion of health

Health is a process which provides physical, mental and spiritual energy to the body. It includes a feeling of self determination and relation to the society. The nurses believe that the people satisfy their needs within the limits of their cultural, economic and social environments. Health is considered as a reserve of daily life that is affected by the situation, and beliefs of health. The nurses emphasize on the promotion of health of the population. It acts as an intervening way among the people and the environment. It is an optimistic and dynamic concept which relies on the socio environmental approach to health. The health of an individual is in relation with the health of the other members of the family and it is sometimes reflected in different experiences of life and death. The nurses implement on different strategies to reduce the happening of diseases and their results on the citizens. Government produces the strategies and laws for the protection of the population. It is mandatory for a nurse to identify the levels of prevention and select a suitable one for the treatment. The nurse should help the people and families to select between different healths measures of prevention like birth control, palliative care and many more.

It is further included in the responsibility of the nurse to provide care and counseling to the ...
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