The paper discusses the case related to the nursing practice with respect to the code of ethics. The focus is on the case by Eric Ribbens named as “Treating Ed: A Medical Ethics Case Study”
Nursing standards of practice
The code of ethical nurse practice applies to my role in this cases study. According to the code pf ethical nurse practice, the registered nurse and doctors practice with honesty, respect and integrity and complies with the code of ethics. The registered practitioners report the unskilled professional or practice misconduct to the agency or a professional body. They advocate protecting the patient's rights o autonomy, privacy, respect, access to information and dignity. The practitioners assume the responsibility to ensure that their relationships with the patients are professional and therapeutic (Corey,2011). They advocate for the practice environment that have the human or organizational support system and the resource allocation important for competent, safe and ethical nursing care.
Nursing code of ethics
The mission of nursing in society is to help individuals, families and groups to identify and realize their full potential physically, mentally and socially and to do so in the context of the environment in which they live and work, all that while keeping a very strict code of ethics. This requires that nurses learn and perform functions related to maintaining and promoting health as well as prevention of disease (Corey,2011). Nursing also includes the planning and implementation of curative and rehabilitative care, and concerns the physical, mental and social life in that they affect health, disease, disability and death. Nurses allow the active participation of the individual, family and friends; social group and community, appropriately in all aspects of health care, and thus encourage independence and self-determination. The nurses also work as ...