Stakeholders Influence On Programs

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Stakeholders Influence on Programs


Yes financial statements reflect the activities of ACLU local affiliates as they handle requests for legal assistance and lobby state legislatures and legislative expense and legal expense are present in the financial statement.

Yes ACLU receive endowment type donations during 2007 because some grants and contributions and bequests receive were temporarily restricted.

$623896. $7020720.

Checking account, saving account and three-month Treasury bill.

As per current ratio which is already too high for ACLU, the trend is improving because in 2006 it was 6.2, and in 2007, it was 9.5 and according to quick ratio the trend is also improving as in 2006 it was 8.44 and in 2007 it was 11.57

Trend is improving. In 2006 total margin ratio was 1.02 where as in 2007 it was 1.26. No, there are not any elements present which might lead us believe that one year is better than the other.

It measures the rate of return the organization earns on its total assets.

Financial leverage is all about a business using borrowed money. Companies that borrow too much are referred as highly leveraged and are more likely to go bankrupt. Companies leverage its equity by borrowing more money, so profits are shred to a small base of shareholders.

I would focus more on new membership and less to old membership.

We are required to show such classification as per general accepted accounting principles. This distinction might be informative for cost and management accountants to check which service has got more expenses so that they can be controlled.

I would advise her to calculate total asset turnover. The ratio worsens between 2006 and 2007.


No. They did not audit all the chapters some chapters were audited by other auditors.



4-Checking account, saving account and three-month Treasury bill.

5-Yes there is a difference. Donations of land, building and equipment without donor stipulations concerning the use ...
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