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The company is a medium sized information technology company. The company is diversified in nature with core competency in the information technology domain. The company also offers business process continuity consultancy services for which it has hired freelance consultants to provide the consultancy services. The organization has global operation but on a low scale, with average market share in the information technology industry. The organizational processes are mainly based in collaboration with limited clients, to whom the company provides its services. The human resource of the company is highly skillful with professionals from multiple domains. The organization has a physical existence with headquarter in the United States of America, but mainly works through online medium by its web site and other technological medium to interact with the clients. The social performance of the company is good, but there are still ways by which the company can enhance and strengthen its relationships with the stakeholder of the company. The company can improve in the social performance by adding up in the field of corporate social responsibility that can even enhance the image of the company. The stakeholders of the company have an urge to be more informed with the operational process for which the company needs to work by adding up some expert strategies.

Primary and Secondary Stakeholders

The company was initially formed by the collaboration of multiple people, which include the primary as well as the secondary stakeholders. These stakeholders have a major role in the success of the company. Primary stakeholders are basically people who have major interest in the organizational processes, and the primary stakeholders are directly affected by the outcomes and the consequences of the company. The primary stakeholders of the company are the customers and end users who receive the services of the company. The company is highly involved in information system services, therefore the main primary stakeholders of the company are the clients. They have a major role in the success of the company, as the company operates with limited clients. It is essential for the company to maintain strong relationships with the clients as they are directly associated with the revenues of the company. The company was formed by the investments of multiple people therefore, the investors or sponsors of the company are the primary stakeholders. Talking about the operational process the human resource of the company which includes the project managers, team members, and decision makers are the key primary stakeholders that have a role in the organizational operations. The secondary stakeholders of the company are the supporting staff and intermediaries that are involved in the organizational processes (Bonner, 2010). The business consultants of the company that are responsible for dealing with the consultancy services are among the secondary stakeholders. The organizations in the information technology industry needs to meet certain standards, therefore there are many agencies involved that act as monitoring agencies. It is essential to maintain relationships with the secondary stakeholders. In this scenario, it is a highly effective strategy to maintain the ...
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