Staff Organizations Part 2

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Staff Organizations Part 2

Staff Organizations Part 2

The main purpose of this paper is to understand the case of planning the launch of a coffee shop near the college campus in Washington DC. The initial staff of the coffee shop will be comprised of three store managers and ten coffee servers. The business loan has been preapproved by the local bank on the basis of the forecasted profit and lost statement. Before the approval of the loan, the bank has asked to submit the documents of Staffing Organizations Part 1 and Staffing Organizations Part 2. These documents are the best way of explaining the ways through which the staffing is planed and managed for the next three years of business.

Recruitment plan and strategy that will be used to staff the coffee shop initially and throughout the next three (3) years

Selection Process

Selection process includes recruiting new employees with the skills and abilities. However the strategy should take into account the possible change and aim to recruit a person who is able to manage both (Greenhaus, 2000).

The Process of Staffing

The present role for human resource professionals is that of a partner in helping the company attain its business strategy.

The Process of Employee Outsourcing

These strategies are to entrust a third party it can be individuals. Many companies use the services of people who are not part of their staff; this practice is particularly useful for specialized tasks that do not require the use of a full-time person.

Employee Retention

In assessing the skills and motivation to the recruitment, HR managers make sure to have adequate staff in number and qualification (Dyer, 1995). It includes the role of identifying, recruiting, recruit and retains members of a team. It is therefore; essential that early in the process of acquiring human resources with skills that allow us to select the right people for the positions they apply. The selection is important to determine whether the candidate meets the minimum quality to perform office, assess candidates' knowledge through evaluations, and tests.

Employee Training

Training is one of the initial costs in a comprehensive quality initiative. This improves the skill level of employees, but also to improve motivation (training can be a rewarding, and it is often more rewarding to do work that we know how). So not surprisingly, it is something many companies whose investment reluctant. Even if, they make the investment, often are very careful to measure the benefits compared to costs.

It is the most important support systems for human resources, training and development Training programs, designed to allow employees to acquire new skills and adapt to new processes work (Baird, 1988).

Communication message (realistic, brand, or targeted) to attract applicants to the open positions

Taking about human resource activities, it is quite similar to the activities of marketing, when marketing a brand. For the company who need to place a job application has been very much attentive while posting the ad for the job. Comparing the human resource activities with the marketing activities, could be done as ...
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