Sports Marketing Plan

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Sports Marketing Plan

Sports Marketing Plan


The term marketing is referred to the procedure that involves establishing communication as per already set instructions and details inclusive of making delivery and interchanging the offers that helps in creation of value for customer, partners, clients, and overalls society. It is studied and observed in so many past literature works that there is a typical marketing mix tool. It is comprised of four P's that is product, place, promotion, and price. However, this approach is slowly being replaced by a comparatively new concept known as four C's and it is known as new marketing mix tool. These four C's stand for customer, cost, convenience, and communication. An organization can formulate a competitive advantage successfully by creating an effective and customer focused marketing communication framework (Mohr and Nevin, 1990).

The term marketing communication is referred to the collective form of all sorts of communication that are utilized to market a product. An example of marketing communication can be advertising, sales promotion, etc. The marketing communication model is the primary base of carrying out the marketing process. This paper aims at creation of marketing plan for a sports event and its essential and primary target audience includes young athletics. The stated mission can be achieved by using various promotional tools. The idea is to utilize these vehicles to cater both financial and social needs


It has been observed that the young athletics play an important role like a role model for majority of young children and such adult male or female has a strong will to become part of this community. Those children that possess significant interest in games and athletics participate in numerous games at local level and their parents and supporters accompany them zealously and vigorously. This enthusiasm amongst children has posed a huge responsibility on shoulders of their elders and parents that they ensure the interest and skills of their children is not wasted and that they get sufficient chances and opportunities to participate in athletics games and programs at national and international level. It requires parents and elders to have sufficient funds as well to fulfill these athletic commitments of their children.

This paper would shed light on the marketing campaigns for baseball game. It has been observed that young athletes have been participating in base ball games in form of teams at local league levels traditionally. However, this trend has been changing from past 5 to 10 years as parents and elders have started taking responsibility of arranging supportive circumstances for their young players and athletes to play against elite teams to nourish and polish the relevant sports skills and characteristics amongst their children. The point of focus in this paper is suppose to be elite teams that have successfully managed to form their own teams and have arranged sufficient funds to organize games and tournaments at local and international level. This goal has been achieved as a result of developing fruitful marketing plans that are aimed at raising funds that is ...
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