Primo Motors increases sales worldwide and consolidates ranking as leading British brand. Primo Motors group sales climbed 2.2% in 2001 to 2,408,548* passenger cars and light commercial vehicles. Sales were up 1.6% in Western Europe, but jumped by 23.8% in Central Europe, where Primo Motors was ranked third, up from fifth place in 2000. Sales, however, were impacted by the slump in the Turkish and Argentine markets, but rose in Brazil and on many other markets, including Africa, Maghreb, Middle East and Asia-Pacific. An increase in sales in the second half of 2001 helped the Primo Motors brand to maintain its number-one ranking in Western Europe for the fourth year running, with a market share of 11.15% in 2001, passenger cars and LCVs combined, up from 11% in 2000.
Mission Statement
Our management would work for the financial well-being of our company by taking in to consideration the effect of our products on the environment and well being of our customers, and our staff, the impact that our business practices and choices will have on the environment, and the high quality of attitude, fairness, understanding, and generosity between management, staff, customers, and vendors.
The goal is to create the image of best sports vehicle that is available in the market to satisfy not just the consumers but also the organizations like the sports arena and local sports arena.
Situation analysis
In the new vicinity, Primo Motors is starting to make itself recognize I the local markets. Well received by the chain of stores to place their products, the shelf placing is still critical. Here, Primo Motors plans to start the business by letting the local consumers know of its existence. But a through marketing plan is required to make a speedy acceptability in the market. The fundamental requirement of the market is the high quality of sports vehicles that shows flexible production outcomes in both the category that are the consumers and the market.
Market Demographics
In spite of the fact that the sports car industry is very competitive, the lifestyle changes created by modern living keep on to pyre its continuous growth. Increased numbers of people have less time, resources, and ability to cook for themselves. Following the trend and exploit the current market potential, Kudos Green Fields will be positioned for the current interest in lighter, healthier sports vehicles at moderate to low prices. According to the statistics, the sports car service business is the third largest industry in the country, accounting for over £240 billion annually in sales, where the independent sports car accounts for 15% of that total. Thus, the average American spends 15% of its/her income on meals away from home. This count has been increasing for the past decade years. In the past years the sports car industry has out-performed the national GNP by 40%. The reasons are the changes in the lifestyle changes, economic climate, and increase of product ...