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Increasing competition and the growing worldwide sports has caused the athletes to be confronted with stress, physically and mentally. This stress has affected their performing capabilities in a negative matter which results in tension, high heartbeat, sweating and sometimes even backing out from the competition. For this, coaches are not taking interest in sports psychology and competitive anxiety. This has led to the identification of solutions for the optimization of performance in a situation. The techniques thus learnt can help an athlete to control his behavior and actions when faced with stress. With the growing importance of keeping oneself controlled and motivated, it is necessary to learn about the inner techniques in sports before going on to the field. The following paper discusses the various psychological and motivational aspects of sports.



Motivation is the inner energy or an inner force that helps a person in the achievement of a particular goal. One of the most widely used approaches in sports is to apply the self-determination theory in which the behaviors are chosen and applied to a certain degree. The regulations to the behaviors are placed in a continuum starting from amotivation in which there is a lack of energy to engage in a particular behavior leading to incompetitiveness ( External and introjected regulations help in controlling motivational factors that might be experienced because of pressure. It is an inner motivation where an athlete may play in a sport to achieve awards and recognition. Integrated regulations help an athlete to continuously try and improve his skills to achieve the ultimate goal. On the other hand intrinsic motivation lies inside the human being in which a person enjoys playing sports. It is the healthiest motivational tool for an athlete to perform well and get rewarded.

Motivational techniques

Goal Setting

An athlete can be motivated by allowing ...
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