
Read Complete Research Material




Module 1


Communication is a method we utilize to connect the gap between knowledge and comprehension. Communication is a fascinating constant factor in today's society. People persistently communicate verbally, through the internet, on the phone, non-verbally, television and in many more different ways. Today, we have a means of mass communication.

Patient And Patient Communication

We cannot forget that patients in a personal care home are human beings and want to be accepted. Patients want to be treated as people and want to be appreciated. Some patients don't get along with others and we have to respect that. I observed that some residents were annoyed of others and others got along quite well. I found that the residents at the facility were frustrated and angry when they were being ignored by other residents. A number of residents could not verbally communicate clearly and words were jumbled and slurred. During conversations I noticed some residents were not making any sense to each other. However, their verbal and non-verbal communication seemed to depict that they understood exactly what the other was saying. These patients clearly had some sort of dementia or Alzheimer's. Yet, they are still human and also want the human contact and acceptance that we all desire.

Patient and staff communication

I found that the staff and patients got along well with each other. Patients called the nurses and other health care workers by their first name. Most of the time, nurses and health care workers would call clients by Mr._______ or Mrs._______. This specific care facility was of a certain religious background. The health care workers who were obviously not of the same religion, were aware of the residents customs and respected the beliefs and values of their culture. At times, patients were confused but staff would always remind them of reality.

Stress and conflict

`Stress and conflict are facts of our daily lives. We encounter both at work and at home. Conflict exists when individuals or groups disagree or have differing values or goals (Donaldson, 1995). How we manage conflict depends on our comfort level. "Often people feel more comfortable addressing the conflict that arises in their personal lives rather than the professional conflicts that arise from the job setting"(Catalano, 2000, p. 307). Conflict arises from power; leading to issues that need to be resolved quickly through effective conflict management. A positive outcome is important to consider when dealing with conflict.

Brandt (2001) gives some basics principles to consider when suggesting an appropriate solution during conflict:

* Listen actively.

* Don't interrupt or become defensive.

* Repeat the person's comments as objectively as possible.

* Request suggestions for dealing with the problem

* Examine options and decide on the best approach.

The conflict arises when technicians attempt or perform duties that are considered the responsibility of the registered nurse.For example, the extra technician assisting the staff to prepare for a procedure will dispense medications to the technician preparing the sterile table. This is absolutely prohibited, yet the technicians reasons that "the nurse is in the room and can see ...
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