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Repetition In Simultaneous Interpreting Of Political Speech: Obama's Speech In Cairo

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Repetition In Simultaneous Interpreting Of Political Speech: Obama's Speech in Cairo



The President expressed the belief that humanity can make the world the way it wants to see him. But this, he says, is possible only if he has enough courage for a new beginning.

Obama visited Cairo to open a new page in relations between the United States and living all over the world Muslims on the basis of common interests and respect for each other, as well as on the basis of the indisputable fact that America and Islam are not mutually exclusive and therefore they do not need to compete. On the contrary, they have a common ground and shared principles - principles of justice and progress, tolerance and respect for the honor and dignity of all people on Earth.

Repetition In Simultaneous Interpreting Of Political Speech: Obama's Speech in Cairo

Problem Statement

The simultaneous interpreter: a public speaker

The relevance of non-verbal connection for simultaneous understanding is emphasised in the present literature. Indeed the aim is not only on content but furthermore on form. Gile (1995: 152), for example, states that the notion of fidelité informationnelle mentions both to content and form. This entails that understanding comprises of converting a source text into a goal text, sustaining not only the content but furthermore the stylistic and rhetorical component which distinuishes it (Riccardi 1999: 48). Straniero (1999: 109) sketches vigilance to the detail that the nonattendance of spontaneous prosodic characteristics hinders the glossy understanding of the text. Politi (1999: 200) emphasises the function of intonation and hesitations, which are advised a sort of 'oral punctuation expressing farther data, counteracting the oral environment of the discourse and catching the vigilance of the listener'.

Viezzi (1996: 96) characterises the vague notion of value in understanding, inserting four parameters, namely equivalence, correctness, suitability and usability. The last argument anxieties the non-linguistic facets of oral output, associated to goal text delivery. Prosody, hesitations, voice value, hesitations, all have a important function in communication. A monotonous interpreter jeopardises the usability of the goal text.

Significance of the Research

The interpreter, as a public speaker, has to use hesitations rightly and to take up a correct talk rhythm. Viaggio (1992) presents an exhaustive recount of simultaneous understanding, focusing vigilance on what he calls the 'textual undertaking component', namely form. The interpreter is inquired to be 'duly conversant with the use of oral talk, first and foremost intonation and hesitate management', to save time and to express 'modal data suprasegmentally' (Viaggio, 1992: 311).

Americans tend to use little or no expanded eye communicate while Italians, some Asian heritage and the French, to title a couple of, integrate much more eye contact into their nonverbal communication. It is a verified detail that most of us will not command the answers of our eyes, thu! s revealing, to a certain, stage, our inward emotions. It is for this cause that members of the Arab heritage proceed as far as wearing dark crystal, even indoors, to hide the answers of their eyes, ...
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