Special Education Needs

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Special Education Needs

Special Education Needs


Special education is provided to students with special needs and who need attention. These students include who are disabled in any way or suffer from any abnormality. Teaching such students is a tough job and requires unique skills. Teachers who teach special students must possess high levels of endurance, and should be very patient because special children take a lot of time to learn different things. Many countries have special education centres in regular school where special children are taught (Kalyanpur, 2011, pp. 98 - 100). These children are admitted to ordinary schools but are taught in a different environment, and different teachers are hired to teach them.

There are certain children who can be easily identified as special children while looking at their medical history, whereas there are some children who show some abnormality while they are in school. Teachers identify such students as special and take steps to help them learn and evolve. This paper will talk about the various policies, legislations, related special education needs and inclusive education. In addition to this the impact of these policies on pupils with disabilities will also be analyzed.


Critical Analysis of the Local, National and International Context of Inclusive Education

There are various definitions of inclusive education. According to the Department for Education and Skills (DfES), "Inclusion is a process not a fixed state". A lot of debate has been carried out on the same topic of inclusive education. According to the state, equality should prevail in the country and the students with disabilities should be included in the normal schools and classrooms. This concept has helped the special students to gain more education and increase their level of knowledge. Studying in a normal environment helps the students in increasing their education level, as well as, knowledge.

The government of UK supports all the policies and regulations that have been set for the students with special needs and suffering from disabilities. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), the UN Standard Rules on the Equalisation of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (1993) and UNESCO's Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action are the documents that are supported by the British government. This shows the support that the policies of education needs have by the government of United Kingdom. Equality is an aspect that is stressed and emphasized by the government and focuses on the inclusion of such children, as well (Kalambouka et.al, 2007, pp. 365-382). According to the needs of the students, it should be made sure by the management that they work to promote education amongst the students irrespective of their disabilities. The main goal should be to reduce inequality and to promote education among the children.

As a member of the United Nations, United Kingdom has made sure that the students get educated in the right manner and that they are able to being educated in the right manner. For the same reason, the government has made sure that the concept and law ...
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