Solaris Max: Part II

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Solaris Max: Part II

Solaris Max Corporate Code of Conduct

1) Honesty and integrity, all working in the company and all suppliers and vendors are expected to work and communicate in an honest and integrous way.

Organizational culture determines the top leadership. When leaders are involved in fraudulent or unacceptable standards of business conduct for staff at all levels are more easily justify their own dishonesty (McWilliams, and Wright, 2006).

2) Communication -All staff will communicate with all with whom they come into contact in respect regardless of their culture, nationality, religion, sex or age. Communication contributes to human freedom. They help us to coordinate and direct our individual choices and actions in the world of bounded rationality, limited knowledge and limited sympathy.

3) The agreement, financial statements, as expected, in accordance with the law. They should all strive to perform in accordance with the technical standards required for their work to avoid careless mistakes in carrying out these tasks, and offer only those products and services they provide to the competent (Dessler, 2005).

4) Gifts, incentives, etc., will not be received either to obtain or influence the business in any case. Financial incentives would increase their effectiveness and improve the inspections could encourage small and medium-sized firms to improve their work. It includes (Robbins, a Coutler, 2003):

Can set high aspirations, as opposed to the laws and institutions that attempt to ensure compliance with minimum standards

Best to get to do certain things, than the promotion of creative best practice

Encourages fraud, since it all depends on the moral persuasion and the attractiveness of belonging to a club of praise people

Allows free rider 'companies to reduce their costs, not adhering to a code of conduct, and thus outcompeting those who

5) Payment will be fair and equitable for all, regardless of gender.

The requirements and standards of justice ...
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