Solaris Max

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Solaris Max

Solaris Max


SOLARIS MAX is a company that has been rapidly expanding into new markets since its inception three years ago. Headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, and with their major manufacturing operations in Cincinnati, Ohio, this new company distributes from Ohio to London thin film solar panels and Spain for the EU.

Section I: Strengths         

New Market

Dedicated and determined members and employees

There also exists a strong bond among the members     

They can double earnings renegotiating sale price to only local distributor.         

Limited capital outlay to maintain equipment    

Decreasing world-wide supply will cause a steady increase in price.         

Heaviest manufacturing opportunities during all seasons.    

Change in direction of the cooperative can be made quickly (Golder, 2006).         


The Spanish are quite friendly and understand English quite well so it wont be a big hassle launching the product.

New Product Technology

As it will be the only cooperative in Honduras with rights, granted, to manufacture, thin film solar panels.

Legal Considerations

Cannot get a loan to buy the needed large equipment for further growth and efficiency

Logistics Path

Limited distribution channels      

Limited financial capital  

Good local reputation, but limited means to reach further     

Record keeping is nearly non-existent.         

They can run the cooperative without input from any of the other members which will limit the ability to grow.         

Limited resources and means to retrieve them.       

Poor Local Weather Condition

Dangerous work conditions        

Difficulty in getting thin film solar panels to the marketplace.         

No educated leadership.         

No leadership succession plan in place.

All staff needs more training and education (Farrell, 2004.


Early Leader in Market Share

Possible to sell to "local" manufacturers.         

There is no local competition.         

Would like to add own transportation division in order to market the thin film solar panels directly without use of a distributor.   

Rapid Company Growth

World-wide demand for thin film solar panels has increased.         

Ecology issues have become of greater importance world-wide, ...
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