Soft Skills

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Soft Skills

Soft Skills


The growing importance of so-called soft factors such as social competence, problem-solving skills, mobility and flexibility, is also Wolfgang Henninger, intermediaries established by the Central Placement Office. It produces different than before, has flatter hierarchies and team-oriented, he concludes. Lone inventors are no longer in demand, what counts is the co-operation.

Soft skills, psychosocial skills are the collective term to describe personal competence and social competence. From a functional point of view of soft skills provide an efficient self-management (personal competence) and the high effectiveness of interpersonal (social skills). Soft skills make up the bulk of the potential of each of us. Deficits in self-management skills and social skills are often very limited, and sometimes even prevent the effective discharge of professional duties and pursue their own goals.

Discussion- Pros and Cons

The main benefit of having a high soft skills include ability to easily motivate yourself to consistent action, pro-active attitude, resistance to stress, assertiveness, ability to build their own authority and positive personal image, the ability to exert a strong influence on the thoughts, decisions and behaviour of others, ability to inspire others to act in accordance with their own vision and effective management team. Having high soft skills is essential for anyone whose work involves contact with other people (e.g. managers, marketers, and customer support staff) or for which the team form of work organization (e.g. a team of programmers, computer scientists or engineers, etc.) (Robert, 1997,89-125). As the most lucrative and prestigious positions are associated with a high degree of independence and responsibility, without sufficiently high self-management skills do not have much chance of success during their tenure, even if we have the necessary formal qualifications (Robert, 1997,89-125).

On the map of professional competences and soft skills (personal competence and interpersonal skills) adjacent to the cognitive competence (associated with the efficiency of information processing - find, analyze, making their synthesis, reporting, planning, use of knowledge and design solutions to specific technical problems), language proficiency ( especially language skills), physical competence (related to physical fitness - coordination, strength, endurance, and health and proper functioning of sensory organs, such as good eyesight, etc.) and the powers of hard identified with highly specialized knowledge and specific professional skills (e.g. knowledge of a particular computer program or set of procedures) (Daniel, 2002,96-132). Emotions are the world's dominant large, emotionless humans would be nothing further mainly because emotions are the main attraction that empathy makes sense. People do not move logically move almost entirely by emotions. A person is for or against an opinion rather than by logic it is the emotions you feel. Fear, anger, fear, happiness, ecstasy are different emotions and each with a very different reaction. Emotions can change in seconds a life forever, destroy it or help it.

Soft skills are among the major powers portable, i.e. those which are the basis of performance in a wide range of positions and professional roles. Thanks to soft skills fully deserve to be called life skills because they are important ...
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