Sociology Of Education

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Sociology of Education

Causes of Educational Inequalities


The growing importance of education in today's world is of growing interest in this field of sociology of social life. Now, you can no longer talk about the creation of sociology of education as important aspect of sociology. It deals with the structure, quality, results, needs, and as well as inequality in education. Authors define sociology of education as a field of knowledge. Sociology of education discusses the educational importance of such social processes, such as social stratification, social change, socialization, education and modern education. It presents the analysis of the individual and society (Ballantine, & Hammack, 2008). It is characterized by features of educational institutions: family, school, workplace, centers of power. Different forms of education in contemporary society has created a tension among individualism and communalism, values ??and society, social equality and inequality, social reproduction and the emancipation of individuals and social groups. 

There are different systems of education and for people of different characteristics and demographics. The different systems of education and social inequalities have led to inequalities in education. Educational inequality is referred to as the difference that some/certain students face in their experience of getting education in comparison with other students. There are several causes of the educational inequalities in the world which creates social problems and decrease self esteem of the student. This paper is aimed to identify and analyze the aspects and area where we should look to find the causes of educational inequalities.

Sociology of Education

The issue of educational inequality is addressed to identify the causes of educational inequality, for which the author points out that equality in the distribution of educational opportunities not only means ensuring all inhabitants of the country, but the opportunity to enter a college where everyone can receive an education appropriate to their circumstances. This concept aims to analyze and reflect on how to get those who belong to different social wings, regardless of gender, demographic and intellectual abilities acquire the same skills for learning, through access to quality educational services so they can get good academic results and especially to equalize these results. The research of the author, mentions in “school failure syndrome” that starts the lag in academic and ends with the final abandonment of the school, also incorporates the effects and impact of education on income distribution or employment opportunities and discover how the market behaves graduates working at the different levels of schooling between (Richardson, 1986).

Sociology of Education is a branch of sociology that studies education as a social institution, its function in society and the relationship with other public institutions is strong. Contemporary sociology of education explores education as a multilevel system that operates in four primary and interrelated forms:

As a process of knowledge creation in individuals involved in the element of education ;

As a process of change in the public consciousness;

As a factor of socialization , and upbringing;

As a kind of personal consciousness phenomenology.

The formation of the sociology of education, as an independent discipline began at the end of 19th century with the works of Emile Durkheim. Preceded by Durkheim, Karl Marx showed the connection of content and functions ...
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