Sociology Essay

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Sociology Essay

Sociology Essay


The system of public medical insurance (Medicare), adopted in 1984, applies to citizens of Australia. It covers treatment in public and subsidized private hospitals, emergency care oculists and dentists. In the public free medical care are treated by general practitioners, consulting specialists, tests and examinations, including X-rays and other tests, examination of the basic surgical and other therapeutic procedures performed by doctors, some surgical procedures performed on the appointment of a dentist, specific treatment oral treatment in a public hospital and after discharge from it. Australian Unity is a private health insurance company that has been providing cover for more than 50 years. There are around 560,000 Australians that have some form of cover with the health care provider. Australian Unity's annual revenue comes in at around $1 billion. It employs 1,500 staff around Australia.


The main part of the Australian system of financing health care is Medicare. It is a system of high quality, providing access to free treatment as the patient is Medicare, as well as free or subsidized treatment from private doctors (general practitioners (GP) and specialists), participating optometrists or, in certain cases , dental surgeons. Medicare also provides access to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS), which covers the cost of most prescription drugs purchased at pharmacies.

Access to Medicare

Access to Medicare can obtain the following persons:

Australian citizens

persons permanently residing in Australia (with a visa for permanent residence)

New Zealand citizens

Some persons whose documents on a permanent visa under consideration

Citizens of countries that have a reciprocal agreement with Australia on health care

For more information, visit the official website of Medicare .

Insurance for international students

Foreign students studying in Australia must have medical insurance (Overseas Student Health Cover). Most insurance companies offer discounts for students. To purchase insurance before arriving in Australia. Often, international students can buy insurance through the school, which are going to learn. At the expiration of the insurance, it should be extended, if you intend to stay as a student in Australia.

Insurance for foreign nationals

Those without access to Medicare, are responsible for payment of expenses related to health. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you buy health insurance. Below is a list of organizations that provide health insurance.

Only permanent residents settled for at least two years carry the Australian health system called Medicare, and to which every employee contributes up to 1.5% of salary. The Federal Government supports a significant portion of medical costs and total hospital charges, but the public sector only; dental care is paid very little, and alternative medicine (acupuncture, physiotherapy, psychotherapy...) not at all. However, even temporary foreign residents who work do not enjoy medical cover in Australia. It is therefore strongly advised to take out private insurance, Australian (such as Unicare) or French (Fund for French nationals abroad, Globe Partner...). For students, a law requires them alongside their visa to take out private insurance (listed on the website of the Ministry of Health) entering the Overseas Students Health Cover, a kind of private system of health protection. Apart from dental and optometry, most health care costs are reimbursed.The cost of coverage is approximately AU $ 150 for a period of 12 months.


Immunisation protects children (and adults) against harmful ...
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