Socialization is an enduring development through which a human being obtains an individual distinctiveness and identity, and learns the norms, morals, actions, values and public skills suitable for individual social status (John et al, 2011).
Different cultures have different norms and beliefs according to their background. Different groups grow within a culture with different behaviors and different characteristics. Culture is the main identity of individual. The main reason for the gap between the different communities and societies all around the world is the information technology. ICT has caused the inequalities in the nations and cultures (Jane et al, 2003, pp.77-102).
What is sociology?
Sociology is the science of a society. This science deals with all the aspects of society. The development, working, structure, nature and functioning of a society; al come in sociology. Sociology can also be defined as the study of social problems. According to sociologists, the social activity of individuals for the welfare of the society is the main aspect of sociology.
Different viewpoints
Demography is related to the dynamics of population of a society or a country, e.g. volume, formation, division of populations, and how it alters over time due to factors such as births, demises, movements, and aging. Demographic study links with whole society or with smaller groupings within that society on the basis of education, faiths, beliefs or civilization.
Psychology is related to the part of mentalities of entities and social actions and the physiological and neuro-biological procedures that link with definite behaviors. Psychological viewpoints are based on the segmentation of a society on the basis of different human psychologies and natures.
Sociological viewpoint is solely based on the division and segmentation of different societies. This division is based on the different cultures that exist within societies. This segmentation has somehow been a part of the inequalities among different communities (John et al, 2011).
Behavioral viewpoint is one in which a society is segmented on the basis of human actions of that society (Kedia & Bhagat, 2008, pp.559-571). The human actions are either negative or positive for the welfare of the society. Varying behaviors of the individuals of a society put them in different classes within that society.
Demographically, older and modern generations can be divided on the basis of technology usage and also the wealthy and poor can be classified into two different classes in a society.
Generational divide with respect to technology usage
Technology has affected the whole scenario of the world. The modern development has all been due to the advancement in the technology. The older generations living in this modern era have not been using such advanced technologies in their times of youth but the modern generations are making the most out of it and so are called the “digital youth”. A generation back, the students were not facilitated with the internet technology as today's students are. The technology has made everything easy for us and the future generations but the older generations were not able to experience this (Kedia & Bhagat, 2008, ...