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Sociological Perspectives Related to Crime and Deviance

Sociological Perspectives Related to Crime and Deviance


Crime implies those activities that violate the law of the land and are liable to legal penalty." (Haralambos and Holborn 2008). Deviance is nearly linked with crime however relates more to the reason for such unlawful acts "deviance comprises of the actions which do not follow the standards and expectations of a specific social aggregation" (Haralambos and Holborn 2008). This study will be examining both crime and deviance, particularly theories which propose that a criminal is determined by the inheritance to be offenders and the inverse theory which is related to the sociological factors which results in crime and deviance.

The sociological theories of functionalism, feminism and Marxism will be examined specifically, the functionalist point of view that deviance is key to society and the Marxist observation that deviance is a consequence of the economic setting. The study additionally incorporates counter contentions to these theories.


Sociologists describe deviance as actions that are known as violating standards, rules and norms. It is purely more than unconventional behavior, however; it is a behavior that goes away much from social expectations. In the sociological point of view on deviance, there is intricacy that differentiates it from our commonsensical understanding of the similar behavior.

Marxist perspective on crime & deviance

A history specialist, revolutionary, social scientist and philosopher, (Karl Heinrich Marx, 1818) was and still recognized as the most important communist scholar that emerged from the 19th century. During his lifetime Karl Marx was generally ignored by the researchers. Since his death in 1883 Marx's political, social and economic plans rapidly gained acknowledgement in the communist development.

Despite the fact that Karl Marx never composed at length about crime, he did contend the laws made by the governing class were generally set up to hold the working group under control. Karl Heinrich Marx had the idea that a large number of individuals were not even aware they were being victimized. Marxism identifies for a social order to function appropriately, social order is essential. They state that in every social order apart from Marxist social orders the governing class constantly gains significantly more than any possible class.

In reviewing Marxist views on deviance Haralambos & Holborn (2004) states that: the governing class passes rules that benefits interests of the ruling class. Hence ensuring that the power stays in the hands of the governing class so they have a persistent control over lower classes.

Despite the fact that Marxists concur that crime is far reaching inside all social classes, they contend deprived lawbreakers are given harsher sentences than well-to-do criminals. Marxists are less averse to emphasize white collar and corporate crime, they observe that crimes by the high societies cost more, and have a more excellent monetary toll on social order than crimes from the lower class. Marxists accept laws are sanction to benefit the goals of the governing class, they say individuals do not have equal access to the ...
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