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Why is 'framing' a critical component of mobilization?




Central Themes of Protest Movements4

Historical Context5

Example of Political Instability7

Contexts and Conditions: Collective Action7

Resource Mobilization Theory8

The model of Political Opportunity9

Culture Opportunities model9

Ethnographic Impressions10




Why is 'framing' a critical component of mobilization?


Framing is an anthropological approach to understand theories, laws, concepts, and aspects for subject matter. It is related to the development of human mind towards reality. The disciplines of media sciences, sociology, psychology, and political sciences includes under the umbrella of framing. This approach helps the principal authority to critically evaluate the criteria for essay. The topic chosen for the framing is the Contemporary European Protest Movements. Various reading materials and academic writings are manifested to produce distinction on the study.

This critical approach or model is part of interpretations of political or legal science. Framing helps to understand the nature of science involves in the legislative matters. It helps to invoke realities through the use of different critical frameworks.

Framing this topic as a critical component of mobilization will be subject matter for protest movements for European Commission. The art of rhetorically address political or legal issues incline to encourage or discourage certain opinions. Labor movements, trade unions, protest tactics, and repertoires of contention are discussed concepts in this study through framing. The distinctive examples of Trade Union Congress and other forces will facilitate to frame the context of protest movements.


A national context to understand the historical perspectives of protest movements and the cultural setting in Europe is the preamble to start the discussion. A approach of faming, a critical component of mobilization will be the subject matter in the succeeding parts of this essay. The conference of Interdisciplinary Forum Protest Movements (IFK) conducted in the Heidelberg Center for American Studies (Doerr, 2012, pp. 361). This conference puts impression of the democracies and dictatorship of states of Western Europe. This explains the tactics and cultures for the protest behavior from labor moments in the Europe.

A sole community and partnership of The European Union (EU) set up on November 1, 1993. It is the de facto (means: concerning fact) successor of European Communities. The larger goal of this coalition is to partly establish the inter-government political relations among all the members (Hix & Hoyland, 2011). This objective is the function of a single legal system with the existence of their prime institutions. Basic economic malnutrition and declining economic outlook are two defaulting factors that are emerging in all its presiding members. The challenge is not only to confront these problems but to also develop a framing model to relate possibilities with realities. Following are the models, approaches, concepts, and attitudes to understand the framing for the subject matter.

Central Themes of Protest Movements

Joachim Scharloth and Martin Klimke proposed three central themes to illuminate the light on protest movements. The international political system and legislative economic fundamentals are consideration for this study (Anders, 2012). The first them is related to the associations among international, national, global, and trans-national dimensions of protest ...
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