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Assisted place scheme useful for promoting educational opportunity for poor people

Assisted place scheme useful for promoting educational opportunity for poor people


Assisted place scheme was incorporated nearly thirty years ago by Margaret Thatcher and her government, and was known to be the government first educational policy, however, this educational policy was closed down by new government after eighteen years of operation(Brighouse, 2002, pp. 50-60). This assisted place scheme was formulated to endow with a hierarchy of opening for rationally talented students belonging from deprived backdrop by allowing them to enroll and get education from standard schools. On the other hand, one experience teacher of the school has explained this scheme as “plucking embers from the ashes”

The government with this educational scheme was up to certain extent planning to fill up the alleged space that emerged soon after the elimination of Grammar school grant in the year 1970. Stats gather from the government shows that most of these grammar schools have provided education to about 3 percent of total secondary school population and it was obligatory for these schools to offer around 25 percent of seats free to students that have taken minimum of two years of education from primary school.

These allotted seats, along with additional seats that were deprived from two years rule were more often than not remunerated by the local education authority. Thus, local educational authorities until the end of 1960 has financed around 50 percent of the seats in ninety-three schools out of 178 direct grant schools (Green et al. 2010, pp. 5-15). In spite of the fact that this lucrative scheme has been abolished, however, there are certain people that feel that educational environment of UK desperately needs scheme like these.

Since its incorporation, numerous researches have been done to analyze the effectiveness of this lucrative educational policy. For instance, (power et al, 2006) has illustrated that there of no doubt that, this educational policy has given a pathway to pupil from poor people to gain high level of qualifications, opportunity to get enrolled in elite university places and numerous professional advantage but it was not an ill-equipped accomplishment.


Background to the Assisted Places Scheme

The assisted place scheme (APS) can also be considered, as the component of an extended custom, comprises of wide-ranging vision and the possible conclusion of direct grant status program, while striving to endow with a learning opportunity for pupil that are deserving and eligible. Even though seats available in most of the schools are inadequate to carter the needs of entire system, and thus it is essential for the authorities to conduct in-depth analysis of school inauguration and expansion plan.

Moreover, in year 1965, the new labor government of the country inaugurated Public Schools Commission (PSC) and commission primary suggestion was to formulate state subsidize aid seats (for boarders). The commissions further explain that the arrival of new and less wealthy students would provide increase to a community join in self-governing schools. The commission further realized that the responsibility and burden ...
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