Social Work

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Social Work with Individuals and Families

Social Work with Individual and FamiliesIntroduction

Children may experience different needs in one way or the other regarding their developmental wellbeing since every child is different, yet children live and development in the short and long term and can be improve by early intervention by social workers. Social workers tailor anything they do within the paradigm and structures of legal framework and policies in their duties in protecting children. This essay will explore the developmental needs and school life of Ryan, a boy of six years old who appears to be struggling at home and in school. Getting It Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) (2008) assessment framework will be the assessment tool to assess Ryan since it helps provide a give me a complete picture of Ryan's world to ascertain how I can help.

Legal frame work and policies relating to social work

In social work practise, social workers tailor anything they do within the paradigm and structures of legal framework and policies. As a social worker my duty is to assess Ryan and his family to ascertain whether there is the need for referral or take no further action. Section 22 (1) (a) (b) of the children (Scotland) Act 1995 states that is the duty of local authorities to protect and promote the welfare of children in their area by providing service to them and or their families in accordance with the child's need and to the best interest of the child. Under section 93(4) (a) (i) (ii) a child in need is an individual under the age of sixteen, and is unlikely to have the opportunity of achieving or maintaining a reasonable standard of health or development and will considerably suffer unless the local authority provide her with appropriate service to meet her circumstance.

The statutory definition of child in need is comprehensive but Regulation and Guidance of The Children (Scotland) Act 1995 state that family circumstances such as family breakdown or poverty and deprivation may be the elements determining the needs of children and young people in need. The definition also includes children or young people living in poor housing or violent environments; children with parents who are suffering from mental illness or substances or alcohol misuse; children suffering from health or development issues, children suffering from educational development (involving individuals excluded from school) and children with emotional, behavioural and mental health problems.

I will use the Getting It Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) assessment framework implemented by Scottish Government in 2008 to find and address concerns and needs of young individual and children. GIRFEC is a national programme which puts children and young individuals at the heart of the society by ensuring that children and young individuals are receiving maximum support as they grow, and develop into successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens. Children in need, looked after, at risk, with acute problem or complex needs are at the heart of GIRFEC. GIRFEC provides an integrated assessment and ensures that ...
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