The primary values and ethics central to social work practice6
Part #28
History of the problem, including relevant policies and institutions8
Populations most affected by the field of social work10
Role of Social Workers11
The unique challenges confronted by social workers12
Part #3: Personal Feelings & Assessment12
Immigration and Social Work
The purpose of this study is to expand the boundaries of our knowledge by exploring some relevant and factual information related to immigration and social work. Before examining the role of social work in immigration, we will first look at different aspects of social work. The social work promotes social change. Using theories about human behavior and social systems, the social work intervenes at the points where people interact with their environment. The principles of human rights and social justice are fundamental to social work (Segal, 2010, pp. 10-11). Similarly, social work is an academic and professional discipline, which seeks for improving the wellbeing and quality of life of a community, group, or individual by intervening through teaching, directing practice, community organizing, policy and research on behalf of those distressed with dearth or any perceived or real human rights violations and social justice.
An immigration system is a set of institutions, rules, guidelines, ideas and devices that help the migrants to get acquainted with the new environment. Migration policies are intentional actions of public authorities trying to manage the flow of migratory population. Studies are usually concentrated on areas like international development, evaluation program, psychotherapy and human development. Members of social work are structured into international, continental, national, and local professional bodies (Reamer, 2011). The interdisciplinary field of social work comprises of theories from psychology, anthropology, politics, philosophy, medicine, sociology, education, and economics. Clinical social workers, in a number of jurisdictions are licensed professionals of mental health of humans. This paper discusses the field of social work in a history context. Furthermore, the paper discusses the history of the field of social work, including the central concepts, the theoretical basis for social work practice, the primary values and ethics central to social work practice, the population most affected by the field of social work, and the role of social workers.
Part #1: History of Field of Social Work
Central concepts
Social work is a profession directed towards helping individuals, families, groups and communities to help them improve their well-being. A social worker, on the other hand, is a person, committed to help people develop their skills and their ability to use their own resources and those of the community to solve their problems. Professionals in the field of social work, practice their profession in a number of settings, which include private practices, hospitals, schools, and clinics for mental health. Social workers normally work full-time and might have to work on the weekends in the evening. Social work focuses on issues of individual and staff, but also on issues such as broader social poverty, unemployment and violence (Haverkamp, 2008, ...