Social Work

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What was gain from the different conflict of theories in the field of social work?

What was gain from the different conflict of theories in the field of social work?

In humanity, there are some social partitions, one of the most famous being stratification. This term paper will request each perspective to stratification so that they do not emerge abstract. The quadrants are inclined to take an agreement or conflict view on humanity and this term paper will show some insight into the differences.

Functionalism is a functional viewpoint, which examines at humanity as an entire and not at the persons who proceed within it. Comparisons have been made to the human biological system. As the human body needs body parts such as the heart, brain and lungs to endure, so does society. Institutions such as family, law and learning schemes are the main structure of humanity according to functionalists and they work simultaneously in alignment to form society as a whole. The family will educate a newborn progeny the norms and standards, the education schemes will furthermore input into this, and the progeny will discover how it should act inside society. This process is socialization. It is an agreement theory and Parsons worth agreement helps to sustain communal alignment within humanity, which is absolutely vital for humanity to survive. Emile Durkheim argues that there are two sides to human environment, self-centered and moral. In alignment to sustain communal alignment he developed the collective conscience, which is a scheme of shared convictions that everyone is in affirmation with, although there is authority in place to double-check that standards are regulated inside the developed culture.

This theory does not show insight into confrontation inside society. Functionalists are criticized for ignoring conflict issues. Functionalists assume that consensus will be present within society, though they have yet ...
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