Social Structure Theory

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Social Structure Theory

Social Structure Theory


Theories of social structure are based up on the concept of connection, bonds and relationships. For instance the kind of bond or relationship we get in our families which get support by counseling. Due to this reason they learn to continue working together no matter under what circumstances. Events such as sports events, gatherings within communities and even social events are all segment of a social structure that helps to develop youth in becoming positive and productive part of society. Today, the characteristics of any community or society have tremendous power of influencing each of its members. Several times in our society we encounter different situations when individuals not only have to deal with them but also struggle hard to survive. Every individual possesses some kind of cultural background which is developed due to employment, educational level, family values and some kind of belief processes. Our education systems claim that they are sound and serving every single child. They all provide education to every student they have. But, those children who don't have good learning habits or when their families don't give them much support, have increased probabilities that they will leave education at one time or the other however, they all have the same sets of wishes and desires to achieve something in their lives.

Significance of Social Structure

The concepts of social structures and the level at which the details of attitudes or behaviors of humans on the basis of social structure differs as per the circumstances, times and the kind of societies. At times human attitudes are always unchangeable in several societies while at times the same ideologies of human behavior changes on the basis of teh available freedom. (Crothers). The details of social structures are alternations or complements of more frequent attributions of social conduct.

Analysts believe that social structures have developed due to the belief that the networks of social relations define and explain any social differentiation. Several others also have the concept that actor such as religion, occupation, gender, ethnicity and race describe social differences of communities, organizations and groups. In the network approach of social structure, standards of same actors are disclosed with the help of their associations with other actors while the differentiated social structure is defined with the help of existence of actors which take several positions of social relations (Friedkin). Social structures are that organized model of social institutions and relations that forms a society together. However, the presence of these structures is not easily or immediately visible, but they always exist and influence all the aspects of human nature and behavior through experience in society. To explain further, analysts have structured following four models for the concept of social structure.

Social organization: It forms a kind of relation between individuals and groups for instance networks.

Background characters: It is a kind of association between people with either same social backgrounds or different social backgrounds.

Institutional structures: It is that kind of social structure that which connects categories and people on ...
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