Social Responsibility

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Social Responsibility


Corporate Social Responsibility in business management involves formalizing policies and management systems in the economic, social and environmental concerns. Considering the environmental issues and factors that affect the overall success of the company, corporate social responsibility strategy must be planned and implemented. In this consideration, the fishing corporation, company 'X' will plan and implement the CSR project consists of social activities and programs highlighting the CSR issues and implementation of recommendations and solutions considering legal, environmental, organizational viability and ethical consideration. This CSR strategy aims for a more value in three dimensions: economic, social and environmental dimensions. The search for a balance between the three dimensions is therefore one of the major challenges for the company 'X'. Social responsibility is not a humanitarian attitude which gives benefits only to the environment, natural resources, social and human, but also affects financial benefits of the company.

Social Responsibility


Considering the environmental issues and factors that affect the overall success of the company, corporate social responsibility strategy must be planned and implemented. As an adviser of fishing company 'X' and the environmental crisis of agricultural and farming in the United States, the company must maintain its Corporate Social Responsibility. In many cases, the company 'X' has to deal with the failures of government in order to promote their own interests and to operate. In this broad context, the company must make decisions on prioritization and reconciliation strategies social and environmental responsibility (Bansal and Roth, 2000). This paper presents a conceptual model, and discusses practical implementation considerations necessary to prepare the CSR strategy for a fishing company. It takes into account the three P's policy of people, planet and profit in terms of environmental considerations, ethical leadership considerations, organizational viability considerations and legal and regulatory considerations.

The strategies of social and environmental responsibility of the company must strike a balance between the interests of the company and its stakeholders in two areas: global and local, for each country in which they operate. To achieve this balance, take into account the realities of these markets, including institutional framework, compatible with the values of the societies in which it operates, consider the needs and expectations of the public to the private sector which, in the case of foreign companies and large, tend to be more demanding than for domestic firms (Bhattacharya, et al., 2011). Different expectations may include different priorities in each country from the point of view of the company.

Corporate social responsibility in business management of fishing corporation involves formalizing policies and management systems in the economic, social and environmental concerns. It is also a commitment to transparent communication of the activities and results achieved. It has to reduce administrative business risks, enhance reputation, position them as a leader in the industry, increase the transparency of corporate reporting, identify stakeholders, and provide greater confidence in the validity of non-financial information to investors. These are some of the points that can be improved by establishing and strengthening corporate social responsibility. CSR strategy aims for a more ...
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