Social Psychology

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Social Psychology

Social Psychology


The main purpose of this paper is to discuss that what socio-cognitive theories and Social Identity Theory of racism theories think about racism. This paper also discusses, that according to these theories what are the advantages and disadvantages of racism. This shows how different types of speech play a specific role in the (re) production of racism in society. It argues that this role can be fully understood only through analysis socio-cognitive ideology and discursive practices. This means that those groups (whites) who control the means of ideological production, have access to them and can also make a public address (e.g. elites symbolic) and play a special role in the reproduction of racism.

Socio-Cognitive Theories of Racism

Social-cognitive theory is the theory of the personality of the second half of XX century. Despite the fact that it is often referred to as the behavioral theories of personality, it offers a fundamentally different idea of ??behaviorism personality. This theory emphasizes collaboration and mutual influence of environment, behavior, and personality factors, with special emphasis on cognitive processes, providing the mental self-control and self-efficacy of the individual. Environment or surroundings in the socio-cognitive theory have an impact on a person to the same extent that personality affects the environment and creates an environment, and the environment shapes personality is a continuous interaction of forces that create a balance between freedom and determinism in the social-cognitive theory.

Social behavior, personality is formed by observing the behavior of others or on the basis of an example. Bandura believes that such learning frees the person from the burden of unnecessary errors and time spent in formulating appropriate responses and strategies of behavior.

Through verbal and figurative representations of the experience analyzed personality, is modeled and stored in such a degree that serves as a guide for future behavior. The Social cognitive theory assumes that learning occurs only, when the determinants include the regulation of individual behavior in the form of two kinds of reinforcements, "an indirect (external) reinforcement" and "samopodkrepleniya.

The theory states that group members expressed prejudice or participate in actions only when they are discriminatory, adapt, transmit and share social cognitions relevant with regard both to their own group as well as group's minority. Hence, in addition to related perspective, interaction account has fact that the micro structures of racism must incorporate an important cognitive dimension.

The classical theory of prejudice has prevalent in social psychology for several decades (Allport, 1954). From the outset, however, it should be noted that, in this perspective, cognitive design does not imply prejudice or racism as mere psychological properties of individuals. We argue that an anti-racist development, critical creative new concepts of social cognition can contribute the study of micro structures of racism in society. Thus, the approach that combines speech, interaction and social cognition may also establish the necessary relationships between the micro and macro approaches to study of racism.

Social Identity Theory of Racism

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