Social Policy

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Social Policy in Australia

Social Policy in Australia


The issues of politics, minority, racism and other related to politics prevail and are addressed in every country at all levels. The political situation all over the world is debatable and somewhat controversial. The governments and media have been playing their role substantially in solving all kinds of contradicting issues in the countries.

This paper will be focusing on the debatable social issues currently in Australia. The paper will further comprise of enhanced elaboration including the historical background, present existence and relation of the problems with the social perspectives. Australia is a parliamentary country. There are many problems dominating the Australian country. They generally include policy, political and social problems dominating the country.

1. Australian Social Problems

There are countless social problems occurring in Australia. They include the people being homeless in the country, breaking down of families, using drugs and lack of trust among the people (Pearson 2011).


The problem of homelessness prevails in almost every country of the world including Australia. The experts working in this field are of the opinion that attempting to estimate the number is senseless. First, the population which is homeless is moving and shifting away from the geographical boundaries constantly. Second, because of this variability, any philosophical assessment of the issue must also account for those people who are in grave danger of becoming homeless at any time, and who practice homelessness, due to uncertainty of residence, amount of rent outstanding, joblessness, family break-up, or general inability to cope (Pearson 2011).

Third, playing the game of numbers could be applicable if the required number of beds were available, the problem of homelessness would be solved. However, this is not the matter. Being homeless does not only mean that one needs a bed to sleep at night, or next week. It is usually a broader issue which may have its roots in the government intervention or family background.

The current instability of the extended family and the formation of the nuclear family have given rise to increased homelessness. Many women and children, subject to domestic violence, seek to live in refuge. Second, multiple spouses tend to be violent and force their families to leave home. Thus, their families need to search for shelter for many days. However, children are the main victims of this challenging situation occurring in the country. For probably 900 teenagers today, the home is Sydney's city streets. They spend their day begging for food, using public baths and toilets and eating in cafes. They sleep in lane ways, in shelters, in doorways (Pearson 2011).

Other related social problems such as marital breakup, sex abuse, drug addiction and violence are taking a toll in the country. Thus, in Australian context, the problems are discussed on media include the societal issues.

Drug users

A large proportion of the young and homeless people in the country are drug addicts. Some of them are forsaken from their parents and others are habitual of leaving their houses but under anti-social legislation, the local authority may evict ...
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