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Social Policy in an Ageing Society

Social Policy in an Ageing Society


Social Policy is the process of studying the types of social services that should be provided by the government to the citizens for the welfare of the country and its people. Social policy is directed towards the humanity and its welfare. The types of social policy provided by the government for the welfare of its ageing citizens are criminal justice, education policy, social exclusion, social care, healthcare, unemployment insurance, crime, child protection, social housing, pensions and social security. Social policy can also be termed as the human behaviour (Bouchet, pp.41).

History of the administration of welfare in the UK

The welfare policies have gone through two reforms since its introduction. The first phase was from the decade of 1960's and 1970's. In this decade, the government planned on allowing the planning as well as the expenditure on public by the treasury. The purpose of the reforms was confined to planning in terms of the economy as well as efficiency in management. The purpose was also to create an entity through which the treasury will have the capability of allocation of resources to the department.

The second phase took place in the decade of 1980s also in the decade of 1990s. In those years, the civil service restructuring took place along with welfare administration.

Social Policy Reforms introduced for ageing Society

The employment rate with respect to males and females has been on a rise. Specifically, The employment rate of females has increased from the past decade. However, it isn't sure whether it will continue to increase and so in order to have a longer progression, Reforms have been introduced in the form of Europe 2020 strategy and its objective is to have at least 75 percent of employment rate for both genders. The program is also aimed at unskilled men and women who tend to have lowest rates.

The program is said to be aimed towards the following

Promotion of equality is one of the core functions of this program.

Promotion of entrepreneurship and the concept of self-employment in males and females

Formation of rights of workers with respect to leaves

Formation of child care facilities

Support of equality of genders with respect to immigration and the migrants.

Equal pay Act

The program also highlights that currently there is a huge income gap that exists between the male, and female incomes regardless of the fact that the work is equal and the value of work is also equal. The income gap exists because of gender based discrimination as well as education based differences. In order to eradicate the income gap, the following set of actions will be taken.

Promotion of transparency of payment between both the genders.

Promotion of equal-pay standards at the workplace in terms of awards, compensation and benefits.

seek to encourage women to enter non-traditional professions, for example, in the 'green' and innovative sectors.

Equality in decision-making

Generally at workplace, women's opinions are disregarded. Women are often under-represented as well as under-estimated in the process of ...
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