Social Performance- Code Of Conduct Of Coca Cola

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Social Performance- Code of Conduct of Coca Cola

Social Performance- Code of Conduct of Coca Cola


At first, some companies argued that they were not responsible for what happens in the factories of its suppliers. But to be subjected to continuous pressure, ended to adopt codes of conduct, promising that they would ensure that their subcontractors comply. Thus, although the codes are "volunteers" in the sense that the company is newly establishment or adoption and ensure compliance, are not voluntary in the sense that often the company is forced to adopt and enforce a code in order to maintain good image to the consumer. Therefore, the following essay is going to analyze the code of conduct of Coca Cola Company and the beverage industry as well.


Code of Conduct

A code is a written statement of principles, a commitment that is adopted by a company, which indicates that both it and its suppliers comply with certain legal and ethical rules regarding treatment of workers at the site of job. In other words, by the code, the company is committed to respecting the rights of workers.

Code of Conduct of Beverage Industry

This Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (this “Code”) has been adopted by the Board of Directors of Monster Beverage Corporation (formerly known as Hansen Natural Corporation)

(the “Company” or “Monster Beverage”). This Code does not summarize all laws, rules, regulations, and Company policies which may be applicable to the Company and its employees, officers and directors. Some of the conducts are:

Reporting Any Illegal or Unethical Behavior

Discrimination and Harassment

Health and Safety

Protection and Proper Use of Company Assets

Let's discuss the code of conduct of the company Coca Cola. The ethical challenges the company faces and its code of conduct to combat these problems.

Coca Cola- Company History

The history of Coca-Cola began in 1886 in the United States, a few steps from the current company headquarters in the City of Atlanta.

In the backyard of his house, the pharmacist John S. Pemberton created after countless attempts, caramel syrup mixed with water and ice, beverage debuted as the soda fountain of the drugstore Jacobs.

The original name of the drink was "Pemberton Coca Wine" and its formula, originally medicinal, was transformed and enriched with new flavors, as a result of the constant search.

The syrup is mixed with carbonated water. On May 8, 1886 history was made!

It was then that Frank M. Robinson, partner and accountant of Dr. Pemberton, suggested the name Coca-Cola and designed the distinctive logo that is now known worldwide.

In 1898 it distributed more than 1 million items and promotional items with the slogan "Drink Coca-Cola. It was Delicious and Refreshing." In 1891 appeared the "Coca-Cola Girls" which incite male fantasy calendars and billboards for decades, and which allowed the first and almost unique brand naked.

Code of Conduct of Coca Cola

Honesty and integrity are fundamental principles of the Coca-Cola Company. Side by side with values ??such as leadership, dedication to their affair, responsibility, cooperation, national diversity and quality, honesty and integrity form ...
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