Social Issues: Teenage Pregnancy

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Social Issues: Teenage Pregnancy

Social Issue: Teenage Pregnancy


Teenage pregnancy is also referred as adolescent pregnancy. The term teenage pregnancy more commonly includes girls of thirteen to seventeen years old. There are different interpretations of teenage pregnancies in different countries. In many societies, teenage pregnancy is considered inappropriate. On the other side, there are a few societies in the world where teenage pregnancy is considered a norm. Teenage pregnancy, in developed countries particularly, is considered a barrier to participation in society. In order to limit the number of teenage pregnancies, various studies have been conducted. The United States has the highest rate of teenage pregnancy. The rate of teenage pregnancy in the United States is twice as higher as any other country. From 1991 to 2005, there was a slight decline in teenage pregnancy in the United States. However, a recent increase has reversed the pattern of decline. Currently, every one girl out of seven girls in the United States becomes pregnant between the ages of fifteen and nineteen. A majority of these pregnancies is unintended. Teenage girls who become pregnant are less likely to complete their education. Due to teenage pregnancy, these girls are also less likely to participate in the economic development of the country. The highest teenage pregnancy rates are exclusively in the South of the United States. In the United States, teenage pregnancy has become an ongoing concern. Teenage pregnancy involves diverse physical challenges. In order to raise a child, financial commitment is also required. All these challenges and requirements interfere with the social and economic development of teenage mothers (Males, 1996). Teenage pregnancy also creates problems for infants. Most of children of these pregnancies grow up fatherless. These children grow up in poverty. They also suffer from neglect and abuse.

Historical Background of Teenage Pregnancies in the United States

Historically, sexual activities and pregnancies outside of wedlock were strictly forbidden in the United States. However, in the twentieth century, the role of women in the United States began to change. A decrease in the age of puberty coupled with an increase in the age of marriage has created an environment where teenagers are capable of reproduction before the level of maturity required for parenthood. With these policy changes, teenagers can have sex without seeking permission from their parents and use contraception. These policies have also allowed teenagers to perform an abortion when required. Teenage pregnancy was not considered a problem until the 1970s. There are several factors which explain why less attention was given to teenage pregnancy before the 1970s. Menarche is an important factor in this regard. In the nineteenth century, the average age of menarche was 14 or 15 years. However, the age of menarche is gradually decreasing in the country (Klepinger, 1994).

A Social Problem

Teen pregnancy rates in most developed nations have been declining overall since the 1950s, with contemporary rates lower than 1950s rates. Between 1975 and 1995, some developed nations, including the United States and Great Britain, declared teen pregnancy as one of the ...
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