Teenage Pregnancy

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Teenage Pregnancy

Teenage Pregnancy

Thesis Statement

The thesis declaration is that education, abstinence, and parental involvement are crucial in decreasing the rate of teen pregnancy. The findings supported this thesis; maintain that prevention and intervention on the state and national level have contributed to the progress in reducing teen pregnancy over the last decade.


Teen pregnancy is to a host of other critical social issues such as poverty and income, education, health issues, child welfare, and sexually transmitted diseases'. There are also substantial public costs associated with teen child bearing due to social problems afflicting pregnant teenagers, from school failure and crime to child abuse and neglect. There seems to be a association between encouraging and providing learning, and abstinence from sex on the state and national level to teenagers.

Although the United States has made strong progress in reducing teen pregnancy and birth rates, the teen pregnancy in the United States is still the highest among comparable countries according to a recent study by the Alan Guttmacher Institutions. There is also some evidence to suggest that the progress the nation has made in preventing teen pregnancy has begun to slow or in some cases, to reverse all of which suggests that the nation's teen pregnancy is still overwhelming. All teenage pregnancies are the result of sexy undertaking, whether voluntary or involuntary. However, the effects of teenage pregnancy are not limited to having to decide whether, or not to keep the baby, how to cope with motherhood, or whether to make an adoption plan, but the immediate effect of teen pregnancy is how the growing baby changes a teenager's body as well as their lifestyle.

Teen pregnancies and social issues

The numbers of teenage pregnancy are very high but when you think about the numbers, most could have been prevented with the use of protection. Some people may not be able to afford condoms but if you cannot afford a condom, you cannot afford a baby. Children from dwellings ran by teenage mothers proceed through a hard time in life. Teenage mothers have no time for other things; because they are, busy taking care of their baby. Most teen mothers end up dropping out of high school, because they do not have time for school anymore. They work for low wages to make money to support their child. Some teenagers try to stay in school to have a good image, so other people in school do not look at them as a pregnant teenager but bas just one of them. Most teens that have had sex wish they have waited longer and most teens and adults believe that it is important for teens to be given a strong message from society that they should not have sex until they are at least out of high school. Other teens do what they have to do and give their full support to the child; they stay in school until close the time of their baby's delivery date. When teenagers plan to have intercourse, they should think ...
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