Social Influence

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Social Influence on Behavior

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Social Influence on Behavior



Social influence is present in all areas of human life, society influences perceptions, attitudes, opinions or behaviors of people. This influence is given by the relationship with individuals, groups, institutions and society in general.

Social psychology is that attempts to explain how and why this happening and why. The most important studies that provide on the subject were made by Faucheux and Moscovici who argue that there are three modalities studied are: standardization, conformity and innovation.


This method deals with the study of the processes of reciprocal influence when none of the two parts of the interaction have a trial or pre-standard, not a frame of reference.

The Conformist

This mode instead covers situations where the individual has already produced a judgment or rule and examines how individuals adapt their judgments or behavior with those of others as a result of real or symbolic pressure exerted by the group (Jackson, 2010).


From a sociological point of imitation and invention produce a social balance. The ability of humans to imitate the behavior of others, or take as reference point for their own behavior that society does remain the same over time, but also involves creativity and invention of man that prints different characteristics society from one era to another and from one place to another.

It is generally believed that tastes arise from our inner selves, which are part of us, our individuality, there are no outside influences shaping tastes. Why that occurs in a matter of taste, more similarities by age, social class, race, nationality, age? For the formation of taste involved not only the internal forces, the social environment has a decisive influence in shaping tastes. Taste is a product of social class, the time and place. What an object for a culture is a valuable work of art to some is not, the value for one culture may not be for another.

Preferences in art, fashion, food, politics, religion, are influenced and shaped by society. The ideas of beauty, physical attractiveness, type of people who fall in love, with whom we marry, not just individual choices, are social products.

There are identifiable reasons why there are certain tastes. The influences we receive what we call social forces,

Influences that are the result of living of the people

Their interaction with each other

And the influence of social forces on the thinking and actions of others.

Thus tastes are creations of social involved in education, social environment, social status, time and place.

Our tastes, personality, preferences, attitudes and worldview are shaped by the society we live in, do not arise spontaneously.

All these aspects are influenced by social factors, social forces. All attitudes, actions and preferences are structured by social forces that influence our ideas about life, the world and ourselves.


Conformity is the identification, submission, obedience, adaptation, acceptance of social norms, from the obedience of a soldier, the rules of courtesy or dress in the fashion, all maintained through patterns ...
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