Social Epidemiology

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Social Epidemiology

Social Epidemiology


Research methods are used to assist the research processes to come up with final outcomes. The research methodologies are mainly classified into two main groups: they are the quantitative and qualitative methods. This book has also discussed one of these two major standards of research. The paper is based on the methodological approaches used in the domain of research. The highlights of the paper are the quantitative (positivist) and qualitative (interpretivist) methodological approaches with the examples that assist in the data collection. There are insights of the way these approaches can be implemented and used effectively in traditional epidemiology. The paper has been classified into two parts, were the first part has been mentioned above and the second part is further on discusses the observational epidemiology approach in comparison to the experimental studies from the research based book of Beaglehole. The concept of epidemiology has also been discussed in context to the term causation. The aim of the paper is to demonstrate and provide with a clear understanding of all these approaches in the domain of research.

Quantitative Methods of Research

Quantitative research method is basically about gathering numerical information to demonstrate a specific research area or subject. There are specific inquiries that appear to be promptly suited to being addressed utilizing quantitative techniques. There are numerous tactics that are needed take into consideration. However which do not appear to transform any quantitative information. Indeed, moderately few phenomena in training truly happen in the manifestation of "regularly" quantitative information. The main concern of the quantitative is to represent all the collection and the research findings in form of statistical presentation. These are mainly used in the research topics dedicated for the purpose of showing statistical information. The data analysis and information gathered via the quantitative techniques is mainly presented in form of visuals (Anonymous 2010, pp. 01). This research method is also used for the purpose to uncover common trends in consideration and opinion. Quantitative research comprises of the studies in which the information concerned might be examined as far as numbers. Exploration can additionally be qualitative, that is, it can be in the depict occasions, with the utilization of numerical information. Quantitative research methodology is built all the more straightforwardly in light of its unique arrangements and it comes about are all the more promptly examined and deciphered (Kleinbaum 1982, pp. 13). Qualitative examination is more open and receptive to its subject. Both sorts of exploration are quality and functional. They are not fundamentally unrelated. It is conceivable for a solitary examination to utilize both systems

Qualitative Methods of Research

Qualitative research methodology for the most part connected with the social constructivist ideal model which emphasizes and focuses on the theoretical or general aspects of the research. The qualitative research approach is used to identify conduct the researches with the aim to find out the point of view of the research participants, and so on relevant factors. It is about recording, breaking down and endeavoring to ...
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