Social Epidemiology

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Social Epidemiology



Part 13


Quantitative/positivist methodological approaches3

Collection of data3

Strengths of quantitative approach4


Methods of Collection of data5

Qualitative interpretive methodological approaches5

Strength Qualitative approaches6


Collection of Data7



Social epidemiology7

Traditional methodology in epidemiology8

The blend of qualitative and quantitative research methodologies8

Critical discussion9

Part 211


Observational epidemiology11

Case control studies11

Cohort studies12

Experimental epidemiology12

Randomized control trials12

Community trials13

Comparing observational with experimental studies13


Causation and its importance14

Declaring a variable as a cause14



Social Epidemiology


Social epidemiology is the branch of epidemiology that deals with the social factors and their distribution, involved in the determination of health condition (Chandola, n.d, pp.1). The factors included in these epidemiological studies require detailed study and research.


Part 1


Quantitative/positivist methodological approaches

Quantitative research utilizes strategies embraced from the field of sciences that are planned for guaranteeing objectivity and dependability. These strategies blanket the methods of examination members being chosen arbitrarily from the study populace in a fair way. A standard institutionalized survey or mediation they gain and the factual strategies are used to test decided beforehand speculations noticing the dealings between particular variables. The researchers are acknowledged outside to the real exploration, and effects being wanted to be duplicated, regardless of who directs the research.

Collection of data

Quantitative researches are more appropriate for conducting researches based on assessing the needs and outcomes. In quantitative research methodology, data is abstracted from the individuals into statistical representation instead of in text pictures of the occurrence.

Strengths of quantitative approach

Quantitative measures are regularly for the most part fitting for directing needs appraisals or for assessments contrasting results and gauge information. The fundamental quality of this exploration is the exactness and control over the information. Control is accomplished through the examining and plan and exact and solid quantitative estimation. A further quality is that experimentation prompts articulations about causation since the efficient control of one variable might be indicated to have an immediate cool impact on a different when other variable have been disposed of or regulated. Further the theory is tried through a deductive methodology and the utilization of quantitative data allows factual dissection. The system, in this way, gives answers which have a much stronger premise (Weinreich, 2006).


The most remarkable shortcoming of the quantitative methodology is that it decontextualizes human conduct in a manner that uproots the occasion from its certifiable setting. It also overlooks the impacts of changes that have not been incorporated in the methodology. Consistent with numerous analysts the deductive quantitative approach criticizes human individuality and the capability to consider. Quantitative approach fails to take account of people's unique ability to interpret their experience, construct their own meanings and act on these.

Methods of Collection of data

The Quantitative information accumulation strategies depend on arbitrary testing and organized information gathering instruments that fit differing encounters into decided beforehand reaction classes. They transform comes about that are straightforward to skim over, think about, and sum up.

Quantitative examination is concerned with testing speculations inferred from speculation or having the ability to gauge the measure of a marvel of investment. Relying on the examination inquiry, members may be arbitrarily allocated to distinctive ...
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