Social Context Of Childhood

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The Social Context of Childhood

The Social Context of Childhood


This essay discusses the implications of distinctive approach and concerns of the sociology of the childhood. Moreover the discussion explains the cases in the book “growing in the Britain” by libby brooks. The attitude and behavior of the children is also discussed in the essay. This essay also purposes some solutions to the problems like stereotyping and prejudice. The sociology of childhood built around the 30s of last century, it develops increasingly in the global context, precisely stimulate the idea of placing children in the field of theory and methodology, as social actors perfect. This view stems from a controversy over the definitions of sociability in the sociological sphere. Some theoretical contributions on the sociology of childhood think about the repercussions of this new subfield of sociology in understanding and educating children. It is crucial in this work the incursion in Sociology of the Family, to the extent who wants to inquire about the representations of children and families on their expectations for the future family. This requires the handling of a series concepts developed by the Sociology of Family and understanding of the ways and family modes of operation. Although the family is one of the oldest institutions, did not always have the same configuration or spatial or historically (Brooks, 2006, 1-97). In fact, in modern societies are witnessing today a lively debate and several reflections of the intellectual various areas on the recent changes and rearrangements that the family has suffered. It seems widely accepted that the contemporary family as a result of industrialization, decreased in size and become essentially nuclear closing increasingly about itself. In order to better understand about sociology of childhood and how one can fix the problems of the sociology of the childhood; an in depth discussion regarding the relevant factors and theoretical concepts is required.


Laura a pretty girl with fine skin and long dark hairs when she turned 15 she was admitted to the hospital for the psychiatric treatment. The reason why she is going through a psychiatric treatment is that she tried to commit suicide because she fell that she is not beautiful, she feels that she is ugly. Those days Laura hardly leaves her room, she uses to lock herself in her room. This scenario of Laura is the perfect demonstration of the bullying. The bullying and violence among students may be present in schools. The main reason for most cases of bullying are stereotypes, or generalizations about a group of people, and prejudice, an opinion contrary to a group based on these stereotypes. To work and educate young minds about stereotypes and prejudices, teachers can help schools to be safer places and quiet for all students. This issue can be avoided if one takes the following measures.

Face the problem, and encourage the teachers of elementary and high school to talk during his or her lectures on stereotypes and prejudice. Allow them to discuss anti-Semitism, racism, sexism, and ...
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