Social Behavior

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Social Behavior

Social Behavior


Every individual has different personality and behavior; this behavior reflects in a number of aspects in the life of a person such as “eating, reading, dancing, shooting, rioting, and warring” (Rummel, 1976). When these personal factors and attributes are in interaction with other people of society it requires moral, intentional and behaving considerations (Rummel, 1976). Social behavior is also defined as a actions that “people do collectively, either in groups or in as individuals confronting to cultural patterns” (Hilary & Bartholomew, 2009). It also involves interaction of an individual in a society and his attitudes with other people. It is also associated with the response of a person in certain circumstances and the response of a person in accepted in a group or community. Study of social behavior is very essential in order to understand the reasons of anti social and negative behavior of a person in society, and it assists in establishing better interaction and comfortable social environment.


Social behavior is very important term in fields of sociology and psychology. Therefore, in order to understand the social behavior and negative attitude of a person towards society. It requires understanding the reason of negative attitude, with the help of psychological study and interaction of a individual with the people around him (Hilary & Bartholomew, 2009). Communication is also very important in understanding the change in attitude and behavior of a person. Study of social behavior provides detailed understanding of the normal behavior of a person and deviation from the standards of normal and rational behavior in the society (Hilary & Bartholomew, 2009). These understandings are generally based on the subjective judgments under particular circumstances.

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