Social And Health Care

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Social and Health Care

Learning outcome: 1

Implementation of Principles of support in the health care system



Support refers to the provision of care and security that is the basic necessity needed by every individual suffering from some physical or mental disorder. This support is provided by specialized health and social care experts to provide them with basic services. These services ensure the patient well-being and improve the quality of their life.

Principles of support

To provide adequate support, there are specialized principles in the health and social care profession. These Principles refer to the guidelines that are developed in order to provide individuals with specialized parameters in accordance with their job. These principles focus on the deliverance of optimum care and support to patients. The principles grab the best practice in terms of care and support for all those individuals who seek for help.

The prime principles of support include the following:

The service users should be respected regardless of their age sex and financial background

The service users should be treated equally, eliminating any discrimination, racial and ethnic issues.

The service users should be provided with dignity and given a personalized position in the operation.

The service users should be protected from any kind of hazard or possible harm.

All of the service users deserve equal care, by the best professional experts.

Every service users holds the utmost right of maintenance of his secrecy and patient confidentiality. The users also hold complete right on their own information.

The principles of support are the ethical rubrics that define the basic framework of working of the care professionals. With advancement in the care system, the health care and social care teams have expanded widely with each category providing patient support. The collaborative working of the care sectors has solved the enigma of the right care and support provision to the patients.


Protecting Clients/ Patients and Colleagues from Injuries and Harms

The patient's safety is the duty of the health and social care professionals. There are many substantial injuries that can result from negligence of the care provider. The harms and injuries are typically dependent on the patient's age and type of disease. The methods used to protect a patient or colleague depends on the type of harm and the service intended to combat. In case of old patients that are resident in the nursing homes, the chances of slips and falls are very high. As NHS states, these entities are at a higher risk of getting injured due to falls. In case of children, accidental poisoning and injuries in the in-house care homes is a commonly occurring problem (Gunn, Pinsky, Sacks, Schonberger, 1991). Other problems might include sexual abuse, harassments, negligence, exposing patient confidentiality, stress and physical and mental harms.

The term harm is not just limited to patients and clients, but it might also involve the care providers. Accidental needle pricks, aggressive behavior of the mentalsly ill or aggressive patients, or any other physical accident might harm the care workers ...
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