Small-Scale Research Project

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Small-Scale Research Project in a Local Estate Agency

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Decision of Conducting Qualitative or Quantitative Research Method3

Decision of Conducting Mono or Mixed Research Method4

Appropriate Methods of Data Collection5

Type of Question that would be used in the Research6

Search Strategy7

Schedule and Timeline of the Research Project8

Ethical Issues in Research9

Biasness in Research9

Research without Consent9

Small-Scale Research Project in a Local Estate Agency

Decision of Conducting Qualitative or Quantitative Research Method

When a researcher starts a research project he has to make a lot of decisions. One of the most important and the first decisions that comes on the way is to decide whether the research to be conducted with qualitative approach or with the help of quantitative approach. In order to make this decision a number of factors are taken into consideration. But, the factor that plays a significant role in making this decision is the topic or subject of the research. It is the topic or issue of the research project that make the researcher to decide which of the two approaches to be adopted or a combination of the two approaches are to be used. As the subject of this research is to know how the estate agency can improve the services so that the level of the satisfaction of the customer improve and they become satisfied. This research question poses idea that there is a need to gather opinion and ideas of the customers. In order to know the ideas and opinions of the customers a qualitative study should be conducted.

In his book Flick mentions that the techniques of the qualitative research are the techniques and methods that are used widely. The positive and the strong point about the qualitative research technique is that it provides impetus about the behavior of people and the perception that they form in their minds. This research method also allows studying views and opinion of people in a great depth. Flick, further postulates the advantages of using the qualitative research and suggests that using the qualitative research technique would allow the researcher to generate ideas and it helps in devising the hypotheses. Development of ideas and hypotheses lends a hand in understanding an issue at hand (Flick, 2009, 65). In many pre-test concepts this technique is used to check and get the response of people. When we talk about the qualitative research method then it would not be wrong to say that group discussion which is also known as focus group and in depth interview are the two most commonly used techniques. Flick (2009), in his book about the qualitative research writes that qualitative research is characterized by an approach that aims to describe and analyze the concepts and behavior of humans and their groups from the point of view of those who are studied (Flick, 2009, 65). Therefore, this method utilizes the complete knowledge or holistic social context in which the research is conducted. Qualitative research is based on a research strategy that can be described as flexible ...
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