[Topic: Regeneration in London Borough of Newham an understanding of processes and procedures of urban regeneration]
Iwould take this opportunity to express gratitude my research supervisor, family and associates for their support and guidance without which this study would not have been possible.
I, [type your full first titles and last name here], declare that the contents of this dissertation/thesis comprise my own unaided work, and that the dissertation/thesis has not previously been submitted for learned written test in the direction of any qualification. Furthermore, it represents my own attitudes and not inevitably those of the University.
Signed __________________ Date _________________
Executive summary
The proposed 'large' regeneration project that we were asked to consider is very different to a 'regional' regeneration project'. A 'large' regeneration project would be no larger than a number of regeneration projects that are currently open in this country. The main differences from existing regeneration projects it would also be one of the first regeneration projects located outside the quite limited areas currently permitted for a regeneration project, and one of the first which will be open to a competition that will lead to the granting of a licence to the operator whose application is judged likely to bring the greatest benefit to the licensing authority's area. Maintaining and enhancing in the long-term the elements which create and sustain that character are therefore key actions for regeneration. Respect for the integrity of the different Character Areas within the city and a commitment to maintaining the urban hierarchy and diversity they represent. An appreciation of the significance of Newham's natural setting for its character, particularly the views it provides across, into and out of the historic area of the city. An awareness of the fundamental importance which the small scale of the city has in defining its character and appeal.. Recognition of the particular distinctiveness and superior quality of Newham's historic buildings, and the contribution to character and sense of place made by its historic topography, street patterns and townscapes. A commitment to building quality and character both in new developments and in repairing past mistakes. • A regard for individual components of character and distinctiveness throughout the historic environment: building form, fenestration, railings, boundary walls, surfacing, etc. A commitment to maintaining a diversity of functions and activities in the city. • Presentation, interpretation and promotion of Newham as an historic Cornish centre of quality, character and significance.
During the lifetime of the Commission we accumulated a great deal of evidence through oral hearings, written submissions and reports. The evidence presented to us was very polarised. Local residents strongly oppose a regeneration project, for a number of reasons including: crime; prostitution; anti-social behaviour; traffic congestion; and problem investing. Many residents also oppose a regeneration project on moral grounds. However, nearly all the 'expert' opinion feel regeneration projects are less harmful than other forms of investing. Only a politician can decide what decision should be taken when confronted with such widely contrasting views. After considering all of this evidence we have concluded that the ...